这 句 话 的 译 文 ,谢 谢 大 家 了 .....孙之翰言:庆历中,上用杜衍、范仲淹、韩琦任政事,而以欧阳修、蔡襄及甫等为谏官,欲更张庶事,至太平之功.翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/15 12:34:06

这 句 话 的 译 文 ,谢 谢 大 家 了 .....

孙之翰 says:庆历中 appionted 杜衍,范仲淹 and 韩琦 as political minister,and appionted 欧阳修,蔡襄及甫 and others as manager who find
fault of him ,

Grandson has wrote of word : Celebrates in the experience, on with Du Yan, Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi, no matter what politics, but by Ouyang Xiu, Cai Xiang and just and so on to admonish the official, wants to change the multitudious matter, to merit of the peace.