医学类英文翻译汉语,麻烦各位大神帮忙翻译一下,在此谢谢了Severe destructive polyarthropathy with fibrillation and erosion of articular cartilage,deformation of articular surfaces, and proliferation of periarticular soft tissue

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 02:09:18

Severe destructive polyarthropathy with fibrillation and erosion of articular cartilage,
deformation of articular surfaces, and proliferation of periarticular soft tissue was diagnosed in 5 bovine fetuses aborted in the last trimester. There was involvement of a single coxofemoral joint in 2 fetuses, both elbows, and a stifle in 1, both stifles and tarsal joints in another, and, in the most severely affected fetus,both hips, stifles, and shoulders as well as 1 carpus. In affected joints, the articular cartilage was irregularly reduced in thickness and contained fibrovascular tissue and, in some cases, inflammatory cells and fibrin.

五个怀胎三个月的尚未成型的牛胎儿被诊断患有严重的毁灭性的多发性关节炎引发纤维性颤动及软骨关节侵蚀,关节表面变型,关节周围软组织扩散.其中有两个牵涉到单侧髋关节,有一个牵涉到胳膊、膝盖,而另外两个均牵涉到膝关节和跗关节.大部分胎儿的臀部、膝部、肩部炎症严重,有一个胎儿腕关节有炎症,软骨关节变厚,出现增生,包括某些纤维管组织、 炎症细胞、纤维蛋白.尽管不是医学科班,但是,因为对命理有研究,熟读《黄帝内经》,所以对一些医学术语还是略知一二,尽量按医学术语翻译,希望能对你有所帮助.