来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 05:21:07


5.检查(格式、词汇和表达、内容信息、简洁与否)?排版:空格(行)、大写字体、主(副)题、字体、下划线、数字、标题、小标题 、BULLETS
EXAMPL:Mr Conrad Krauze,Managing Director of Granby Plastics,New Jersey,USA,asks you to write a memo to Mrs Fay Molloy of the Derby UK branch of Granby Plastics.He says,"Send it to her by fax.Tell her that I confirm my e-mail of yesterday.I shall be visiting England in July.Derby will be visited on the 18th of that month ...about 1030...certainly in the morning ...on reflection it could be closer to 1100.The most important thing is that I shall have Miss Mary Bannon,the new Sales Director,with me.I shall want a tour of the branch and lunch.Miss Bannon will want to meet the sales staff ...informally.Ask Mrs Molloy to confirm by return fax that she has received the memo."