LOL 是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑. 和lol类似的还有哪些,和外国人聊天真麻烦

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:19:28

LOL 是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑. 和lol类似的还有哪些,和外国人聊天真麻烦

IMFAO-I'm laughing my ass off 我笑的屁股都掉了
ASAP-As soon as possible 越快越好
RIP- Rest in peace 死的安心

ASAP=as soon as possible
ATST = At The Same Time
BTW=by the way
BBIAM=be back in a minute
BS = Big Smile
CUL=see you later
DL = Download
EOM = End Of Message
FE=for ...


ASAP=as soon as possible
ATST = At The Same Time
BTW=by the way
BBIAM=be back in a minute
BS = Big Smile
CUL=see you later
DL = Download
EOM = End Of Message
FE=for example
F2F=face to face
FYI=for your information
FYR=for your reference
GTH=go to hell
HTH=hit the hay
IAC=in any case
IMO=in my opinion
KIT=keep in touch
NP=no problem
OMG=oh my god
OIC=oh i see
OTOH=on the other hand
ORLY=oh really?
YSYD = Yeah, Sure You Do


LOL(Laugh out loud)怎样念? LOL 是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑. 和lol类似的还有哪些,和外国人聊天真麻烦 用lol即laugh out loud造句,尽量新颖有趣, laugh out loud laugh out loud怎么读 找一些外国的网络用语缩写的啦 如 LOL =laugh out loud TTYL = talk to you later OMG= oh my god 之类的越多越好.常用的! 跟美国人聊MSN 搞不清是开玩笑还是嘲笑?搞不清他是在开玩笑还是嘲笑~~~英语水平有限啊真郁闷~怎么办呐 是不是加LOL就表示他实在友善的开玩笑呢?他经常用LOL~~LOL=laugh out loud 现在好像什么都有简写,比如THX(Thanks)LOL(Laugh out) loud)什么的.你们还有更多吗?和我说说 查了一下,正确写法是loud而不是Loudly.为什么?laughing out loud或laugh out loud意即大声地笑 额.LoL的意思相当于laugh out loudly吗?EMO到底啥意思?总觉得和给有关= = 在英语聊天室里常见LOL,这具体是什么意思?LOL,是laugh out loudly?那可以翻译成,哈哈,呵呵之类吗?谢谢各位.回一楼的,就这样翻译吗?说着说着话,来了一句lol,翻译成大声笑?不大顺吧. laugh loud 还是laugh loudly? 英语翻译据说tha是thy古语“you”的轻发音,而lolzs也是laugh out loud的意思,连在一起是什么意思吖........那到底是好还是不好吖。-汗! laugh out loud 三个单词分别是什么词性?完整句子是什么? 跪求网络留言的常用词.<英文的>!例如:lol 、btw 等等.要有中文翻译.lol :laugh out aloud :大声笑btw :by the way :顺便说lmao :laugh my ass off :笑掉屁股lmfao :laugh my fucking ass off :笑掉屁 You need to take english lessons You need to take english lessons anyway me and my mother and brother are not close,i don't really talk to them.Beijing is such a nice place i wish i stay there the girls there are so pretty lol means Laugh Out Loud a aloud ,loudly ,out loud的区别 thinking out loud是什么风格的歌曲