
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 06:59:54


名(面向南时靠东的一边,与右相对) the left side; the left:
左下角 the lower left corner
左侧 the left side
靠左行! Keep to the left!
(东) east:
山左 areas east of the Taihang Mountains, specifically Shandong Province
江左 region east of the Yangtze River
(姓氏) a surname:
左宗棠 Zuo Zongtang
形(偏; 邪; 不正常) unorthodox; queer; bigoted; heretical
:左见 prejudice; bias
左脾气 a queer temperament
左道 heretical belief
(错; 不对头) wrong; incorrect:
你说左了. What you said is wrong
.你想左了. You're not thinking in the right way.; You've got a wrong idea.
(相反) different; contrary; opposite:
方向相左 in the opposite direction
意见相左 hold different views; cannot see eye to eye
(进步的; 革命的) the left; progressive; revolutionary:
极左思潮 the ultra-left trend of thought
左翼作家 the progressive writers


left 左
right 右



可以直接用 left