VOA中一句话的解释文章主题,推行lean management,以下这段在文章结尾处:But lean management is not for everyone.It requires a tremendous investment of time and resources as well as a leadership willing go forward despite resistanc

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 19:34:10

文章主题,推行lean management,以下这段在文章结尾处:
But lean management is not for everyone.It requires a tremendous investment of time and resources as well as a leadership willing go forward despite resistance from doctors and staff to the idea of operating like a factory.
as well as在这理解成“和”吗?联系前半句我觉得用“和”似乎不够准确?"a leadership willing go forward despite"似乎是“强势推行而不顾……”的意思,又应该是怎样?



VOA中一句话的解释文章主题,推行lean management,以下这段在文章结尾处:But lean management is not for everyone.It requires a tremendous investment of time and resources as well as a leadership willing go forward despite resistanc “Sometimes you led me to play on the lea”中“lea”是什么意思啊?“LEA”字典有说是教育局的意思,再线等. 甜甜的泥土 文章主题 藏羚羊的跪拜 1 文中表现文章主题的一句话是 2 用一句话概括本文的主要 内容 写党的文章主题是知党爱党颂党 VOA中一个句子的理解文章主题,欧债危机.The European Union and International Monetary Fund have made tough austerity measures a condition of any bailout.中文意思容易理解,即任何接受欧盟和IMF的救助,都需以严苛的紧 《春》中赞美春天的生命力,表现文章主题的三个比喻句分别为? 《春》中赞美春天的生命力、表现文章主题的三个比喻句 《春》中赞美春天的生命力,表现文章主题的三个比喻句是 TPM设备管理,中国有多少公司在推行,推行最好的公司是哪一家. VOA中一句话的解释前文大意是:医院进行改革并尽量不让病人要等候看病.但如果……If we do have wait,we're trying to add value to that wait,and not just have them sitting and doing nothing.句子前部分的we do have wa VOA 中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中一句话中literally应该如何理解?VOA 2010-9-16中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中这样一句话:In this case,within a matter of literally days since this process began,the leaders have yesterd VOA 中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中一句话中的词语literally应该如何理解?VOA 2010-9-16中关于关于巴以和谈的新闻中这样一句话:In this case,within a matter of literally days since this process began,the leaders hav 鲁迅 父亲的病 的文章主题 《范进中举》的文章主题是什么? 朱光潜的咬文嚼字文章主题是什么 目的是什么 作文 蜘蛛 作者是台湾的涂静怡第一题是 文中有一句话最能表现文章主题,请找出来写在下面 6S中安全的定义是什么?推行要领是?