对中学生过生日(送贺卡,去饭店等等)的看法 英语议论作文赞成:为同学提供较有机会;利于增进同学之间的友谊;学习之余可以放松心情反对:容易造成对事件和金钱的浪费;导致攀比

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 11:46:17

对中学生过生日(送贺卡,去饭店等等)的看法 英语议论作文

我觉得首先你要找出关键词翻译出来,比如 过生日 Bithday celebration;送贺卡send birthday card ;去饭店 eat out 等等
然后根据你的描述,文章框架三段就好了,中间用 and ,while ,not only but also等等连词连接起来再加上你自己的观点就好了
Comments on Middle School Students's Bithday Celebrations
It's very popular for middle school students's to have their birthday celebrations these days.Some will send birthday cards to give their good wishes,others will choose to eat out.
Those who share the same opinion think it is not only a good chance to promote friendship,but also to relax;while others argue against this,they are afraid that the students will compare with each other about the cards and the restaurants,thus it will be a cost of money ,what's worse ,it will have a bad effect on them for their study and development.
In my point of view,just like the old saysing goes:every coin has two sides,so when you hold a bithday celebration,you should think about it carefully,such as how many money I can use,which restaurant will be fine for me.Use this chance to give thanks to your family,friends and those helped you before.Do not make it a money wasting thing.
All in all,Hope everyone will enjoy it and use this chance appropriately.

对中学生过生日(送贺卡,去饭店等等)的看法 英语议论作文赞成:为同学提供较有机会;利于增进同学之间的友谊;学习之余可以放松心情反对:容易造成对事件和金钱的浪费;导致攀比 关于中学生上饭店过生日的看法 有些中学生过生日时讲排场,邀请同学去饭店大吃大喝.有些中学生过生日时讲排场,邀请同学去饭店大吃大喝,对这种行为认识正确的是A中学生要把钱花在关键的地方 B不盲目攀比 应理性消费 同学去饭店过生日、有的不赞成、有的赞成、说对这俩种的看法、别找范文 我要英语! 英语,去饭店过生日用英语怎么说 爸爸过生日,想送贺卡,上面咋写呀! 我过生日想请同学中午去饭店吃饭可是我一次也没去过饭店,想问问去饭店之后和服务员说什么,就是把去饭店的全过程写下来   重谢!  重赏! 以给某报社编辑写一封关于高中生去饭店过生日看法的信为主题的英语作文 妈妈过生日送的贺卡上写什么,要英文和中文 糯米网过期未消费的团购券还能退款吗?饭店等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等 给妹妹的生日贺卡怎么写我的亲表妹后天过生日,我想送她一张生日贺卡可不知道怎么写, 祝你生日快乐!的英文怎么写?我的同学过生日我送个贺卡给她. 我快过生日了,想请十个人去饭店吃饭.请问我应该上多少道菜,大概多少钱?(小型饭店) 同学去饭店过生日的风气越来越盛行,对此,同学有不同的看法,根据以上讲解写一篇英语短文 辩论会:中学生过生日应不应该送礼?我是正方.(中学生过生日应该送礼!)求辩论词! 假设你是高二学生李平,近期,你的同学去饭店过生日的现象越来越盛行假设你是高三学生李平,近来,你的同学去饭店过生日的现象越来越盛行,对此,同学们有不同的看法.  赞同者理由反对者 一种贺卡的单价是A元,小英买5张这样的贺卡,用去( )元;小明买一张这样的贺卡,付出10元,应找回() 著名的法国幽默作家贝尔纳有一天去一家饭店吃饭,他对那里的服务很不满意.付账时,他对饭店的经理说:“