英语翻译蓝色妖姬的传说 从前有一个男孩,他住在森林深处.他的房子外面,有一个园子,里面种满各种各样,不同颜色的玫瑰.男孩很爱他的玫瑰.每天,他都会用爱心和它们谈话,把开心的和不开心

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 22:12:47

蓝色妖姬的传说 从前有一个男孩,他住在森林深处.他的房子外面,有一个园子,里面种满各种各样,不同颜色的玫瑰.男孩很爱他的玫瑰.每天,他都会用爱心和它们谈话,把开心的和不开心的事都告诉它们.唯一遗憾的是,这么多的玫瑰之中,却没有长出蓝色的玫瑰,因为蓝玫瑰是这个世界上最珍贵,美丽的.他将把这种花送给自己最心爱的女孩.男孩心想,如果能够长出蓝玫瑰,那他就是最幸福的人了.有一天,男孩在森林里看见一个受伤的女孩,于心不忍,就把女孩带回家治伤.然后,女孩爱上了男孩,很爱很爱.男孩也爱上了女孩.他们结合 蓝色妖姬
了,过着幸福的生活…… 虽然,男孩和女孩在一起,但是男孩还是有所遗憾,因为他始终没办法送蓝玫瑰给他心爱的女孩,所以有时候,男孩的脸上会出现一种叫忧郁的东西.不久,女孩知道了男孩的遗憾.有一天清晨,男孩醒来照例来到他的玫瑰园,他惊喜地发现,玫瑰园里终于长出蓝色的玫瑰了.男孩很开心,因为他找到了心爱的女孩,并且终于能够把蓝玫瑰送给他的女孩了.男孩很满足,他终于拥有他想拥有的东西了.一个夜晚,突然一个响雷,女孩从梦中醒来,她看到,外面正在下着倾盆大雨.女孩心里很恐惧,因为她有一个不祥的预感.她跑到玫瑰园.雷,在响;天空,闪着电.女孩站在玫瑰园前,一动不动.雨下了好久,好久.终于,停了.天也亮了.男孩醒来了.他看见女孩站在玫瑰园前,全身湿透.接着,他发现,满地都是蓝色.而,他最心爱的蓝玫瑰都不见了.愤怒的目光使得女孩转过身.他看见满脸都是水的女孩,分不清是泪水还是雨水,他还看见女孩眼中的乞怜.但是,男孩还是离开了.因为他无法忍受欺骗,无法相信女孩的感情.一切只是伪造的,花如此,感情肯定也是虚伪.从此,女孩失去了男孩.女孩每天都在哭,她在玫瑰园里等待她的男孩.可是,一天,两天,三天…… 很多很多天都过去了,男孩都没有回来.蓝色妖姬
终于,女孩的眼泪都哭干了,她也一天一天都变得“枯萎”.而玫瑰园的玫瑰,也枯萎了.一天,女孩又站在玫瑰园前,望着所有已经枯萎了的玫瑰.突然,她又流泪了,流出蓝色的眼泪,眼泪滴在地上,枯萎的玫瑰开始复活.女孩疯狂地哭,疯狂的流泪.终于,玫瑰园重复生机,并且满园都长满蓝色的玫瑰.很美丽,很美丽.你见过蓝色的玫瑰吗?没有.真的很美丽.那你见过吗.………… 男孩回来了.在一个大雨之后的一个清晨,他终于回来找他的女孩,因为他终于明白,蓝色的玫瑰不是虚伪的爱情,而是因为爱他.所以,他后悔了.当他回到他们的家园,讶异看到满园的蓝玫瑰,玫瑰上还有大滴的雨水,晶莹剔透.他很开心,跑进他们的家,找遍了所有角落,可是,没有找到他的女孩.女孩不见了.只有玫瑰园里,有一朵特别美的蓝玫瑰,经常闪烁着露珠,就好像哭过的泪痕.这个故事让我想起很多的事情,很多快乐与悲伤的事情.有蓝玫瑰吗?也许有吧,就像人间的真爱,若有似无.

Legend of Bluelover
Once upon, there was a boy living in the deep of a forest. Outside of his house, there was a garden planting all kinds of roses with different colors. The boy loved his roses very much. Everyday he spoken to them with his love, he told them happy and unhappy things. The only pity was that, there was no blue one in the roses, because blue rose was the most precious and beautiful in the world. He would like to send such flower to his most beloved girl.
In the boy’s mind, he would be the happiest man if there was blue rose in his garden.
One day, the boy met a wounded girl in the forest, which made him feel sorry, so he took her home for curing.
After that, the girl fell love with the boy deeply. And, the boy also loved the girl. They married, and lived a happy life…
Although,they lived together, the boy still felt pity to some extent, for he could never send blue rose to his beloved girl. So sometimes, a gloomy expression showed up on the boy’s face. Before long, the girl knew his pity.
One morning, after woke up, the boy came to his rosary as usually. To his surprise, there was a blue rose in his garden. He was very happy, for he had found his beloved girl and then he finally could send a blue rose to her. He was satisfied; he eventually got what he wanted.
One night, suddenly there was a thunder; the girl was woken up from her dream. She saw it was raining heavily outside. She was frightened for she was filled with foreboding. She ran into the garden. The thunder was roaring and lighting flashing cross the sky. The girl was standing in front of the rosary, motionlessly.
It was raining for a long, long time.
Finally, it stopped.
Light thickened.
The boy woke up.
He saw the girl standing in front of the garden, soaked all over. And then, he found, there was blue everywhere. And, his beloved blue rose was missing.
Angry sight made the girl turn around.
He saw the girl, whose face was covered with water, confusing tears or rain, and also he saw begging for pity in her eyes.
But, the boy still left, for he couldn’t stand cheating, he couldn’t believe in the girl’s love any more. In his mind, everything was fake, the flower was, so was the love.
From then on, the girl had lost her boy.
She was crying everyday, she was waiting for her boy in the garden.
But, one day, two days, three days……
Lots of days had gone away, he still didn’t come back.
At last, the girl's tears were weeping dry, she was becoming withered day by day.
Roses in the garden were also withered.
One day, the girl stood in front of the garden again, looking at all the withered roses. Suddenly, she burst into tears, blue tears. When the tears dropped at the ground, the withered roses began to revive. The girl cried crazily with tears running down crazily. Finally, the garden was back to life, and there were blue roses all over in the garden.
Very, very beautiful.
Have you even seen blue roses?
Not yet.
They are really beautiful.
So, have you ever seen that?
The boy was back.
In a morning after a heavy rain, he eventually came back to his girl, for he began to know, blue roses were not fake love, it was all about love for him. So, he regretted about what he had done.
When he returned to their family, to his surprise, there were gardenful blue roses with big drops of rain on them, glittering and translucent. He was very happy, and ran into their house, looked for all the corners, but he couldn’t find his girl.
His girl was missing.
But in the rosary, there was an especially beautiful rose, constantly shining dewdrops, which seemed as tear stains.
This legend makes me think of lots of things, lots of happy and sad things. Are there blue roses? Maybe there are, just like true love in the world, which exists as absenting.

英语翻译蓝色妖姬的传说 从前有一个男孩,他住在森林深处.他的房子外面,有一个园子,里面种满各种各样,不同颜色的玫瑰.男孩很爱他的玫瑰.每天,他都会用爱心和它们谈话,把开心的和不开心 我听见有一个男孩在哭.英语翻译 卧室里有一个男孩吗?用英语翻译. 英语翻译我是一个男孩!是上帝的后人! 从前有棵树,他很爱一个男孩 从前有棵树 ,他很爱一个男孩.主要内容 英语翻译从前有一个男孩,他很喜欢一个女孩,他为了那个女孩可以做任何事,包括放弃自己从不肯放弃的尊严和一些珍贵的东西,其实那个男孩知道他们不可能在一起,可是他还是傻傻的认为有 英语翻译从前有个人,他喜欢爬山 . 莱茵河的传说莱茵河有什么传说 英语翻译:假如我是一个男孩. 英语翻译现在还是挺想念从前的 传说从前有一位王子,有一天,他把几位妹妹召集起来,出了一道数学题考她们.题目是:我有金、银两个手饰答案和解题的过程,急需!传说从前有一位王子,有一天,他把几位妹妹召集起来,出 英语翻译RT、是一个男孩唱的 很好听 英语翻译Cheric 可以作为一个男孩的英文名吗? 英语翻译蓝色的柠檬 蓝色的樱桃 英语翻译我是一个男孩,我14岁,我来自中国,我喜欢蓝色,我喜欢看书,我喜欢喝牛奶,翻译一下变成英文,再帮想几句简单的,难的不会读, 蓝色妖姬的寓意 蓝色妖姬的含义