
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/30 00:38:37


Shaoguan is located a montainous area in the north of Guangdong province, and is bordered with Hunan province and Jiangxi province, enjoying a reputation of "hub of three provinces" , which is a key pass from Lingnan area into the central plains in ancient time.Nowadays, its position as a traffic hub from Guangdong province into the inland is even more important---Jingguang railway, jingzhu express way, state highway 105,106,107,323, wuguang railway which is in construction,shaogan railway in plan,guangle express way and shaogan express way, all of them have to pass through shaoguan. In addition, shaoguan owns abundant land,minerals, palnts and animals,tourism resouce and water resouce. All of these provided a substantial material foundation to the harmonious and sustainable development of shaoguan.
Since the reform and opening up policy is adopted, a significant change of both urban and rural views had taken place. With the industry upgradation and transformation in the Zhujiang Delta area, more and more entrepreneurs shift their focus onto Shaoguan, an ideal place with great development advantages and development potential.

英语翻译原文:韶关市地处粤北山区,与湖南、江西交界,素有“三省通衢”之誉,是古代岭南通往中原的最重要关口,今天更是广东通往内地的交通枢纽——京广铁路、京珠高速公路、国道105线 英语翻译摘要东源县的前身河源县、河源市郊区,全县区域面积4070平方公里,下辖21个乡镇.东源县地处广东省中部,东江中上游,是珠江三角洲与粤北山区的结合部.县城毗邻河源市区,距离广州、 东西两翼和粤北山区指哪里 英语翻译舟曲县,位于甘肃省甘南藏族自治州东南部,东邻武都区,北接宕昌县,西南与迭部县、文县和四川省九寨沟县接壤,地处南秦岭山区,东南至西北走向的岷山山系贯穿全境。地势 英语翻译原文:新疆维吾尔自治区地处中国西北边陲,亚欧大陆腹地,面积166.49万平方公里,占中国国土面积六分之一,陆地边境线5600公里,周边与8个国家接壤,是古丝绸之路的重要通道.据2000年统 求英语高手将题目翻译:《粤北山区农村小学英语成绩分化现状、成因及相应对策》 洛夫的《湖南大雪》原文 英语翻译湖南位于中国南方,因地处洞庭湖的南岸而得名湖南,该省三面环山,一面对着洞庭湖,是典型的亚热带湿润气候.近年来,随着工业的飞速发展,我国南部出现了大面积的酸雨区,约占总国 英语翻译英文原文与中文翻译 英语翻译兰山区 用英语翻译 英语翻译 湖南踩踏事件, 湖南与四川相邻? 修改病句:我们要加快韶关市中小学教育事业的规模与速度 英语翻译原文! 英语翻译原文! 英语翻译原文 英语翻译原文 英语翻译中国广东省湛江市霞山区民有路