
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 20:09:37


Due to the price unceasingly rises,the cost of living began to increase.If you can help increase some of my salary?I am XXXX I want to increase to XXXX.Thank you!

英语:Due to the constantly rising prices, the cost of living more. If you can help to increase my salary? I am now increased to XXXX XXXX I think.Thank you!


英语:Due to the constantly rising prices, the cost of living more. If you can help to increase my salary? I am now increased to XXXX XXXX I think.Thank you!
韩语:물가 상승 을 끊임없이 생활 원가 커 지기 시작 했 다. 좀 도 와 줄 수 있 는지 늘 일부 내 임금?이제 내 가 XXXX 생각 까지 늘 어 난 XXXX 입 니 고맙습니다!
法语:En raison de la hausse des prix, le coût de la vie en permanence à creuser. Si je pourraient contribuer utilement à l’augmentation des salaires? Je suis passé XXXX je voudrais XXXX. Merci!
俄语:Благодаря непрерывному потребительских цен, прожиточный минимум начать наращивать. Можно ли помочь увеличить некоторые мне зарплату?Я сейчас, я хочу yyyy увеличилось до yyyy-спасибо!!!
西班牙语:Debido a que los precios al alza del costo de vida continuamente, si puedo ayudar a UN aumento mayor. Algunos de mi sueldo?Yo ahora quiero XXXX es aumentó a XXXX. Gracias!!!!


As prices continue to rise, the cost of living increases. Whether it can help to increase my salary? I'm XXXX I would like to add to the XXXX.Thanks!请采纳,谢谢。

Due to the constantly rising prices, the cost of living more. If you can help to increase my salary? I am now increased to XXXX XXXX I want to thank you! 求采纳。。。