举例一个英语俗语或者成语 对它进行反驳有没有英语高手啊.全文都用英语表达 .3分钟左右的表述就可以.有点像格言新说的样子.简单的就行.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 05:46:15

举例一个英语俗语或者成语 对它进行反驳
有没有英语高手啊.全文都用英语表达 .3分钟左右的表述就可以.

没有明白你的意思 , 对什么进行反驳?

Too many cooks spoil the broth.(厨子多了烧坏汤。)
Do you agree with it ?May be some one will say,If too many people are involved in something,it will not be well done.But in my opinon,Three cobblers with ...


Too many cooks spoil the broth.(厨子多了烧坏汤。)
Do you agree with it ?May be some one will say,If too many people are involved in something,it will not be well done.But in my opinon,Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.
So it means what?Just like in the War of Resistance Against Japan ,we have lost so many Chinese compatriots .If they vacant at that important moment .Can we enjoy our life so freezly now.The answer is abslotely not. Also,in nowadays,our country's reform and opening up and modernization construction have entered into a new stage ,It is centrned so many ideas of our people.So in a time ,more people can give more suggestions and share more harders.
I hope all the chinese should work together to make our county more stronger and more prosperity.



举例一个英语俗语或者成语 对它进行反驳有没有英语高手啊.全文都用英语表达 .3分钟左右的表述就可以.有点像格言新说的样子.简单的就行. 有没有初中生常用的英语成语,或者俗语,越多越好. 有一个成语或者俗语是 万福无极 同文泽德 形容一个人有很多优点,只可惜有一个缺点,怎么用成语或者俗语表达? 形容终于明白一件事或者一个道理的成语或俗语有那些? 有一个成语还是俗语,大致的意思是,恶毒的语言比刀剑更伤人.这是哪个成语或者俗语啊 带有yang读音的成语或俗语急需有”yang”读音的成语或者俗语 带“逐”的成语或者俗语有哪些 有没有一个歇后语、俗语或者成语,形容别人家的东西总比自家的好? “只有水才能作溶剂”如何举例反驳它 意思是做了百分之九十等于做了一半的俗语是什么就是一个俗语或者是成语 有没有关于中国城市的成语或者俗语啊?比如俗语 上有天堂,下有苏杭 这类的 一个小小的东西坏了一个很大的东西.怎么用成语或者俗语形容? 试用一个成语或者俗语表述<<孙叔敖遇狐丘丈人>>中与“三患”一样的意思!要成语 或者 俗语表述! 有没有带波带月的褒义成语,谐音也行,或者是俗语有没有带波带明的褒义成语,谐音也行,或者是俗语 有一个成语或者词语 四字短语,成语或者俗语 形容“宽容”的成语或者俗语有呢些啊