
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 18:04:04


The summer of 2000 I and father and mother go to Yunnan tourism,the way we see a lot of beautiful scenery:
the beautiful scenery of Butterfly Spring,
with beautiful
Ashima,there is a beautiful legend,but I was the most memorable we climb Jade Dragon Snow
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is located in the picturesque Lijiang,its highest peak five thousand meters above sea
level,snow all the year
round,is in the summer peak temperature of only 1.About C.
We take the cable
car to the
began to
climb.Although summer is still dressed in a sweater,each carrying a bag of oxygen.
Because of
climbing higher and higher,
the air gets
thinner,we began to have a reaction to high
legs.It chills the body began to sweat,
we sat down
to a few
oxygen,eat a few pieces of
chocolate to
replenish physical
strength and
energy,and then continue
to climb.Several times,I really do not want to climb,the kind of hard feeling is never,I said to my father:
"Dad,I really can't hold on,we
do not climb
the bank?" My father helped me to sit down,
love said to
me:"good kid,just hold on a little longer,we soon reach the peak,insisted that victory!" In this way,we three people encourage each other,help each other,to overcome various difficulties,and finally climbed the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,I also become the tour only climb to the child.
Listen to the Naxi said:
"Jade Dragon Snow
is the dwelling
places of the gods."
And when I climb
to the top of the mountain I felt at that moment,
there should
be strong
willed can reach
winner.So the three of us hand in hand,with the joy of success,with the self timer has captured a symbol of victory,photo,
it will encourage
me to not be
afraid of difficulties,march forward courageously.