英语翻译 林肯是世界历史中最伟大的人物之一,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争.人们怀念他的正直、仁慈和坚强的个性,他一直是美国历史上最受人景仰的总统之一.通过颁布《解

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Lincoln is one of the greatest figures in the history of the world,led the great struggle that save the union and ending slavery.Remembered his integrity,kindness,and strong personality,he has been one of the most people admire the President in American history.Promulgated by the emancipation proclamation,let 4 million slaves to be free; After he was assassinated,officially abolished slavery in the United States.Lincoln successfully maintain the unity of the United States,in order to promote American society forward made great contributions.The Los Angeles times reporter Chris ayers said:"he is the most no objection to our evaluation team a great President." In 2006,Abraham Lincoln was America's leading journal Atlantic monthly named affect 100 people in the United States first place.The latest edition of the five dollar bill is positive:Abraham Lincoln.Historians say Washington as the father of the nation,Lincoln for the savior of the country.On the third Monday in February each year in the United States,is the "President's day",to commemorate these two great leaders.In 1867,Nebraska,Lancaster county county changed its name to Lincoln,and became the state capital,to commemorate the one of the greatest presidents in American history.Washington's Lincoln memorial is located in the national mall,is one of the most famous monuments.In November 2008,The Times of England was organized by eight of the country's top international and political commentator formed a committee of experts on the 43rd President of the United States ranked respectively in different standards."The greatest President" rankings,ranked first and second Lincoln and Washington.Abraham Lincoln was born poor,destitute,and his life and career are very rough,had two business failure,nine times fall campaign,but he still held up,until the last possible moment 龟儿的,累死我了

英语翻译林肯荣登《时代周刊》封面人物(1963年)林肯是世界历史中最伟大的人物之一,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争.人们怀念他的正直、仁慈和坚强的个性,他一直是美国历史 英语翻译 林肯是世界历史中最伟大的人物之一,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争.人们怀念他的正直、仁慈和坚强的个性,他一直是美国历史上最受人景仰的总统之一.通过颁布《解 世界历史的伟大人物? 英语翻译:人们仍然认为林肯是美国最伟大的总统之一人们仍然认为林肯是美国最伟大的总统之一(remember) 英语翻译 林肯至今仍被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一.(be regarded as ) 世界历史最伟大的人是谁? 英语翻译没有伟大人物出现的民族是世界上最可怜的生物之群.有了伟大人物而不知拥护 爱戴 崇仰的国家,是没有希望的奴隶之邦 世界历史100年内,最伟大的科学家是谁?他的成就是? 美国最伟大的五位总统华盛顿,杰弗逊,林肯,罗斯福,肯尼迪.我觉得是这样, 林肯的伟大故事 蒙古帝国是人类历史舞台上,世界历史舞台上,最伟大、最富强的国家.为什么呢? 蒙古帝国是人类历史舞台上,世界历史舞台上,最伟大、最富强的国家.为什么这么说呢? 中国历史上最伟大人物是?说一说你的意见 爱迪生是最伟大的发明家.英语翻译 为什么说长城是世界历史上一个伟大的奇迹 为什么长城是世界历史上一个伟大的奇迹 为什么说长城是世界历史上一个伟大的奇迹 为什么说长城是世界历史上一个伟大的奇迹?