
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 18:34:56

2,请给你的朋友写一张明信片,向他/她介绍你的业余生活,并请对方回信介绍他/她的相关情况.要求不少于50.提示词:study,watch TV,read.
3,你有什么理想?长大以后想干什么?请以My Future为题写一篇短文,词数不少于50.
5,请将《白雪公主》(Snow White)的故事根据下面的英文提示语简单表述出来.词数不少于50.提示语:once upon a time,there was,named,daughter,beautiful,kind,stepmother(继母),hate,order,servant(仆人),kill,lose,wooden house,seven short men,prince,save.
6,假如你是Tony,你有一个梦想:将来你有一个叫superman的机器人,它能为你做很多事情.请以 My Dream Robot为题,设计superman能够完成的任务,至少5项.
8,假设你班将组织同学们游览颐和园(the Summer Palace).作为班长,请你根据以下内容拟一份通知,将这次活动的相关情况告诉全班同学.出发时间:10月15日(星期六)早上7:00集合地点:学校大门口.注意事项:穿运动鞋,带雨伞,准备一顿午饭.
以 心情 为主题写一篇文章,不少于600字,不可仿写,只准抄袭
围绕 幸福 这个话题,600字
我的自画像 200字.(按帅的写)

Dear Tom,
Hello, my life in my spare time is colourful. I like to go fishing with my father on Sundays, which makes understand I should be patient when I do something else. Besides, I like to play basketball and football. When I am free, i often play basketball and football with my classmates, from which I learn that working with others plays an important part in my life. What's more, I like collecting stamps. I like the pictures on the stamps and I like to guess the meaning the pictures on the stamps.
Tom, what are your life in your free time? Tell me something about it. I'm looking forward for your letter.
Li Hua
Last Sunday i had gone picnic with 3 of my friends at the beach at west coast park. It was a great day and we really had much fun. Despite the scorching hot sun, we played beach volleyball and rugby on the sandy beach, which we really enjoyed and helped to bond us closer. We also rode bicycle along the coast, while watching the sun set. it was truly mesmerizing. As for lunch, we each bought some food and drinks and shared with each other. I enjoyed the outing and had a really sweet dream that night.
i want to be an english teacher in my future.I have three reasons for that. Firstly,I think english teacher is so smart, he knows a lot that we don't know. Secondly,I think teacher's salary is good. So when I grow up,I don't have to worry about my money. Thirdly,it is the most respected job.
My name is Jack.As you know,everyone has a dream . I have a dream,a wonderful dream,I wish I will have a robot in my house, it's name is Superman, what he can do is to do many thing for me,such as finish my homework ,cook for me,and it can play with me.it will be my best friend.
But now,I don't think there will be such useful robot in the world,so I have to finish everything myself.Maybe some day I will create Superman myself, and I will be happy every day.
1.You should talk with your parents and prepare a small party.
2. Use your pocket money to buy the cake
3.Give the invitations to your classmates.
4.Give your parents a hand to decorate the living room
5.Clean the site at the end of party actively , to reduce the burden of your mother and have a meaningful birthday.
呐 只找得到这些了

1,现在是晚上7:20,你们一家人正在做着各自的事情.请根据此背景写一篇短文,可以围绕主题进行适当的发挥.要求层次清楚、语言连贯、书写规范、不少于50词;2,请给你的朋友写一张明信片,向 初一暑假作业上的英语作文:1,现在是晚上7:20,你们一家人正在做着各自的事情.请根据此背景写一篇短文,可以围绕主题进行适当的发挥.要求层次清楚、语言连贯、书写规范、不少于50词;2, 假设现在是晚上7点半,请你根据自家情况,写一篇短文描述你们一家人此刻的活动.要求使用现在进行时.60字 英语作文 周六晚上7点,一家人在做什么(要现在进行) 英语作文:此刻是晚上7:00,我们全家正在做的事.(用现在进行时.) 初一英语作文:现在是晚上七点,Peter的一家人都待在家里.Peter的妈妈正在收拾房间;Peter的爸爸在读报纸;Peter的姐姐正在写作业;Peter正在看电视,但他应该写作业了.约40~60词、 现在是晚上8点钟,谁能用英语帮我介绍Dave一家正在做的事情,用上现在进行时态. 英语作文 假如你是Ted,现在是晚上7:30,你们一家在做不同的事.Ted 爷爷 在喝茶看电视 奶奶英语作文 假如你是Ted,现在是晚上7:30,你们一家在做不同的事.Ted 爷爷 在喝茶看电视 奶奶 在打电话 用英文翻译一下:现在是晚上七点.看!我的父亲正在读报纸.我的妈妈正在打扫房间.我的奶奶正在洗碗.我做家庭作业.我的弟弟汤姆正在玩电子游戏.你呢? 书面表达 用英文介绍你和你的家人正在做什么 不少于50字现在是晚上七点钟,爷爷和爸爸正在下棋,奶奶正在看电视,妈妈正在听音乐,姐姐正在打电话,哥哥正在房间里看书,你在做作业. 你们晚上熬夜做作业困不困啊?你们是怎样坚持的?你们晚上几点睡觉,早上几点起床? 你们现在正在做什么?翻译成英语What are you doing ()()()? 你们正在做什么?我们正在做作业.汉译英 “现在是晚上七点,格林一家正在吃晚饭”用英语怎么写 现在是上午7:40,同学们正在教室里做自己的事.的英文 你们正在做什么 求翻译 你们正在做什么 英语怎么说 你现在正在做什么?