
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 10:44:25


In the era of knowledge economy,the construction of national innovation system(NIS) has become very important to comprehensive ability and international competitiveness of a nation.The function and mechanism of the Science and Technology Association(Sci-Tech Associations) has natural relation with NIS.With China's NIS gradually established,the status and function of Sci-Tech Associations increasingly prominent.But people still don't know the specific functions of Sci-Tech Associations in the NIS,and pay little attention to it.
This paper begins with the theories,combining the actual status of the Sci-Tech Associations,study on functions orientation and development strategies of Sci-Tech Associations in the NIS.
Firstly,by reviewing the relevant researches at home and abroad,the paper finds that the researches are generally in the initial stage.Then the paper expatiates on the basic theories of NIS and find out its functional requirements.
Secondly,the paper makes a systematic analysis about the existing function and effect of Sci-Tech Associations.And draw a conclusion:The Sci-Tech Associations plays an irreplaceable role in technological innovation.
Then this paper makes more deeply reasearch between the functions of Sci-Tech Associations and the functional requirements of NIS.By analyzing,the functions orientation of Sci-Tech Associations in the NIS is found.
Then bases on the functional requirements of NIS,the paper builds a evaluation index system to the functions of Sci-Tech Associations,and makes a field survey of Sci-Tech Associations of Fujian Province.We find that there are many problems with the function statuses of Sci-Tech Associations,then we analyze the causes.
Finally,the paper puts forward countermeasures to solve the problems of the function statuses of Sci-Tech Associations.The paper also suggests some strategies and ensuring mechanisms to support the development of Sci-Tech Associations in the NIS.

英语翻译知识经济时代,国家创新体系的建设问题已经成为影响一个国家综合能力和国际竞争力的决定因素,而学会的功能和机制与国家创新体系有着天然的联系.随着我国国家创新体系的逐步 为了加快建设国家创新体系步伐,我国采取了哪些重大举措 怎样建设创新型国家 英语翻译创新型国家建设目标的实现,依赖着创新型企业的建设和发展.创新型企业在增强国家自主创新能力,建设创新型国 家中肩负着重要的历史使命和责任,全面实施创新型企业持续发展战 建设创新型国家,需要大量创新人才,青少年该如何提高自己的创新能力? 什么是创新型国家?什么是创新型国家?建设它的意义是什么?为什么自主创新能力是创新型国家建设的核心? 如何理解提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家,是国家发展战略的核心? 为什么说提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家是国家发展战略的核心 为什么说“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家”是国家发展战略的核心? 建设创新型国家的意义毛概考试急需 我国建设创新型国家的必要性是什么? 建设创新型国家的关键、核心、基础是什么? 建设创新新型国家的关键,核心和基础是什么 英语翻译分析创新模式与国际贸易模式的协调发展摘要:创新成为知识经济时代的一个重要的名词,而当今国际贸易与创新也是密不可分,从当前基本的论点来看,创新模式与国际贸易相互促进, 什么是创新型国家,如何建设创新型国家 从唯物辩证法的角度看,我们为什么要提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家 提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家的意义?补充:请结合当代社会经济形势 英语翻译教育培养是贯彻国家自主创新战略、建设创新型国家的重要力量,在建设创新型国家的过程中担负着培养人才的重大责任,必须进一步加强创新教育研究,改革人才培养模式,积极探索培