values('" + bh.Text.ToString().Trim() + "','" + xm.Text.ToString().Trim() .啥意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 09:25:44

values('" + bh.Text.ToString().Trim() + "','" + xm.Text.ToString().Trim() .啥意思?

应该是一个方法放两个参数 参数是两个TEXTBOX的值 .tostring 是变成字符串 .trim()是去掉空格

values(' + bh.Text.ToString().Trim() + ',' + xm.Text.ToString().Trim() .啥意思? values text dd.Connection = OleDbConnection1 dd.CommandText = insert into qingjia (name,reason,reasoncont,bgtime,overtime,tianshu,zhuangtai,sqtime) values ( & ' & Lbname.Text & ',' & Dpreason.SelectedValue & ',' & Txcont.Text & ',' & DateVal values是什么意思 BH是什么意思 “BH”是什么意思? bh是什么意思 bh是什么意思 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server versio$sql=insert into 'test1'('name','date','text') values('$name','$date','$liuyanneirong');if(mysql_query($sql)){if(mysql_affected_rows() >= 1 )echo 'in 为过程或函数 procedure_goods_insert 指定了过多的参数.create procedure procedure_goods_insert(@goods_id int,@goods_name varchar(20),@goods_guig varchar(50),@goods_unit varchar(6),@goods_txt text)asinsert into goods values(@goods_id,@good parameter 'xxx' not found (急!)with ADOQuery1 do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('insert into boxbarcode(xtm) values(:xxx)'); //Parameters.ParseSQL(sql.Text,true); Parameters.ParamByName('xxx').Value:='123'; ExecSQL; end; 运行时提示parameter 'x 英语翻译We must take cues from the surrounding text and from our learned sociocultural knowledge to infer values for too young and too old that match the advertiser’s stance and purpose.The surrounding text suggests a reading in terms of person calculated values experimental values各是什么意思 your text 英文text text-align: text-decoration: