
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 12:16:44


Success is not easy to talk about because the word success it-self has hundreds of definitions.For some it means power,for some it means wealth,for others it is fame or great achieve-ments.But I have my own understanding of it.
Success means to try your best.
Many people believe that success means to win.In my opin-ion,it means to try your best when you do everything,no matter you will win or not.When you are taking part in a long-distance race,if you keep on running as fast as you can,you are successful,although you may be the last to pass the finishing-line.Because you have showed your best to others,and you have made I your greatest effort to be the winner.
Success means to work hard.
No one can succeed without any hard work.Karl Max was successful,because he spent more than 30 years writing the book "Communist Manifesto"; Tomas Edison succeeded,because he had experimented thousands of times to find the best material for lights.Every success calls for hard work.If you want to suc-ceed,work hard first.
Success means not to lose heart.
No one can always be the winner.You will certainly lose or fail some day.It is important for you not to lose heart.A person who has lost heart is just like a tree without roots.It will be easi-ly blown down by the wind.Nobel had failed many times when he was doing his experiments.Sometimes his lab was on fire and he was nearly killed.But he never lost heart and kept on trying.Finally he invented a new explosive.So when you fail or meet any difficulty,just believe in yourself,stand up and give the dif-ficulty a heavy strike.
没有人能够取得成功,任何艰苦的工作.卡尔最高是成功的,因为他花了30年以上的写作这本书“共产党宣言” ;托马斯爱迪生成功,因为他已试行了数千次,以寻找最佳的材料,为灯.每一个成功的要求辛勤工作.如果你想成功,努力工作第一.

我要中文翻译哦,不要太长2分钟左右就行了,要激奋人心的,因为我要参加比赛啦 竞选大队长演讲稿 2分钟左右,要好一点的,不要太长!我只需要一个大概内容就够了,我要提高悬赏分了! 《淝水之战》 我要演讲我要演讲,不要太长,五分钟左右就行,要起因,结果. 苏轼的 海棠3分钟左右就行了 不要太长! 要写作背景和诗人简介 穿插在赏析里 不要太长! 贺知章《回乡偶书》赏析3分钟左右就行了不要太长!要写作背景和诗人简介穿插在赏析里不要太长! 急求一篇2,3分钟左右的初一英语朗诵文章.不要太长,但也不能太短,最好是诗歌,附上中文翻译,动物小故事的尽量不要贴出来.所以要简单些的,麻烦各位了. 儿童英语童话剧本不要太长,时间5分钟之内就OK.(要中文翻译) 帮我找一篇英语短文,不要太长不用太长,上台可以讲3--5分钟就行了, 榜样就在我身边演讲稿 读完3分钟左右 不要太长的 有什么最新的国内英语新闻不要太长,四五十就行了,还要中文翻译. 一篇英文感人的短文不要太长,2分钟左右 常用英语口语对话不要太长,2人,4分钟左右 关于科学家安培的英文介绍或英文故事 求关于科学家安培的英文简介或者是英文小故事(英文啊).要原创的不要粘贴的.不要太短或太长,大概口语两分钟左右就行.最好能配上中文翻译.谢啦. 谁有大约2分钟左右的英语小故事啊?求2分钟左右英语的故事不要太长哦~~我要参加英语故事大赛没故事讲了!所以请大家帮帮忙啊~~我急需啊!~~~最好带汉语翻译的啊!我急需啊~求你 “新学期,新起点”演讲稿急阿,我需要一篇“新学期,新起点”的演讲稿 ,不要太长.补充一下,1,2分钟的就行,我是初中生,谢了 关于中国来历的故事(英文)是说一个中国历史的小故事,不是翻译题目!5分钟左右,不要太长!要附中文翻译! 谁能帮我用英文写一篇自我介绍(中学水平)不要太长,3分钟左右,生词不要太多里面最好带点NBA的(最好写保罗的就行了),其余的随便写一些喜欢的东西(作者您的也行).要英语课前演讲, 英语翻译不要太长,5、6分钟左右