eight thirteen six one!seventeen nine eight twenty-fore forteen one!翻译成中文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:38:00

eight thirteen six one!seventeen nine eight twenty-fore forteen one!翻译成中文


eight thirteen six one!seventeen nine eight twenty-fore forteen one!翻译成中文 six to thirteen 写出下列基数词对应的序数词形式one two three four five nine thirteen twenty twenty-eight thirty-six Thirteen and six is n______. 完形填空 My friend Peter is a soccer完型填空My friend Peter is a soccer player.He 1 thirteen years old.He usually 2 up at six-thirty.He has breakfast at seven o’clock.He 3 home at seven-thirty.School 4 at around eight o’clock.At twelve o a quarter to eight half past six a quartera quarter to eight half past six a quarter past seven a quarter to five eight o,clock是几点 1-100的英语怎么说2楼的别以为我不知道 你的答案是的摘除最佳答案给你个全的0 nought;zero;O 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10ten 11eleven 12twelve 13thirteen 14fourteen 15fifteen 16sixteen 17 is thirteen and eight( yes it is eight o Six p___ eight is fourteen Extension eight one six,please? thirteen-eight,thirty-eight ,thirty eight,thirty eighty的区别,请详述! 几道报纸上的英语题在括号里补全单词Seven and eight is f( ).Idon't know this word .Can I use your d( Is six and seven thirteen?Yes,that's r( ). 个基数词的序数词形式!ten four six fourteen thirteen one two three nine eight fiive twelve twenty forty thirty twenty-one forty-five thirty-nine 急需这些单词的序数词形式! 怎样用C语言将数字后面的小数点和后面的数用英文表示出来#includevoid main(){char *Eng1[20]={zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen 英语翻译#includevoid main(){char str1[30][10]={zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fiveteen,sixteen,seventeen,eightteen,nineteen,twenty,thirty,fourty, I do my homework at six thirty and then Ieat breakfast at around seven thirty Ataround eight o'cioc How long did you stay at the farm last week?________.A.Before eight o'clock B.Six days C.Quite often D.At six days