
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 13:49:17



既然你只要那5句话 那其他的我也不好说了

According to the survey,the number of the phone users in China has the tendency to rise  from 2005 to 2008.(据调查显示,从2005至2008年中国手机用户数量呈现上升趋势)

In the year of 2009,the 3G mobile phone came into being in China.(2009年,3G手机在中国问世)

After that,the amount of the users increased sharply,approaching 800...(从那以后,手机用户数量急剧增加,将近800...)

Due to the date mentioned before,the authority made a forecast.(基于以上数据,官方做出预测)

There is a high possibility that the users of the mobile phone go up to nearly 828.7 in 2010.(到2010年手机用户数量很有可能接近828.7)

我不知道那些数字的单位,如果你想知道如何表达  可以追问