
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 08:24:51


Dates is one of the most important economic trees in shaanxi province, has a long history, especially the planting area along the Yellow River with its unique natural climatic conditions to become the best ShiShengOu mlo), has been shaanxi province is the traditional cultivation areas and discovered the biggest production Dates area. In the construction of new countryside situation, development characteristic agriculture, efficient agriculture, increasing the farmers' income, improving the standard of peasants' living is an important task of current agricultural production. The Yellow River in shaanxi TanZao industry as the characteristic agriculture, how to efficient development way, is the current local agriculture industry structure adjustment is one of the primary missions.
This paper analyzes the present situation of the development of domestic jujube industry, trends and the Yellow River TanZao industry development conditions. Through Dates along the yellow beach jujube producing variety resources, production, management, and service system etc, think the investigation TanZao industry restrict shaanxi the Yellow River is the key element of small-scale peasant consciousness is strong, lack: scientific production management system; Government support for small and implementing policy low efficiency,; Red jujube base facility backwardness, incomplete service system, technical less input; Between competition is intense, the county not the integration of a large brand; Marketing channel, market penetration. Aiming at these problems, puts forward the following countermeasures: establish development modern production management idea; Strengthening the government support strength and policy implementation; Strengthening the construction of jujube base, scientific technology investment; Implementation across county industrialization, strengthen jujube county cooperation; Perfecting the market marketing system and increase market share.
【 keywords 】 Yellow River beach Dates; Dates industry; the beach Brand strategy

英语翻译枣树是陕西重要的经济树种之一,有很悠久的栽培历史,尤其是沿黄地区以其独特的自然气候条件成为枣树的最佳适生区,一直以来都是陕西省传统的枣树栽培区和最大的产栆区.在建设 某院子里如果有棵枣树,就一定在离枣树不远出地面冒出许多小枣树苗这些枣树苗是怎样滋生出来的 解放战争时期在陕西发生的重要战役有哪些? 英语翻译要英文的!旅游业是当今世界发展最迅速,最有潜力的新兴产业之一.随着经济的深入和可持续发展,旅游业在经济和社会发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用.而旅游目的地居民作为旅游活 名贵树种 和 珍贵树种 有哪些区别?举例哪些是名贵树种,哪些是珍贵树种,名贵树种和珍贵树种 这两类树种 哪一类的价值高? 陕西科技馆里面有什么?是陕西的哦- - 英语翻译促进就业是全面建设小康社会的重要内容,是河南经济社会发展面临的重大任务.旅游业是新型的劳动密集型产业,是河南省重要的支柱产业,也是吸纳就业的主要渠道之一和最具潜力的 英语翻译公路特别是高速公路是一种特殊的商品,是国民经济的重要命脉,它具有建筑产品的一切经济属性,公路建设又是国家最主要的基础产业之一,公路建设项目只有实行招投标制度才 英语翻译论通货膨胀及解决办法对一国经济而言,有三个问题最为重要:其一经济增长;其二通货膨胀;其三失业率.经济增长是大国最关心的;而通货膨胀则伴随着许多发展中国家.通货膨胀 提高功率因数的重要经济意义是 推进经济社会发展的重要目标是 梨树寿命是300年,柳树寿命是梨树的二分之一,柳树寿命又是枣树的八分之三.求枣树寿命(方程) 果园里的梨树和枣树共750课,梨树是枣树的4倍.梨树和枣树各有多少课? 枣树是怎么繁殖的? 抗旱抗寒的经济树种有哪些,适合在内蒙古西部种植的 什么树是最珍贵的树种之一 鲁迅的一篇文章里有一句话:“我家后院有两棵树,一棵是枣树,另一棵还是枣树”是哪篇文章的? 应该怎样品位鲁迅先生的名言我家有2棵树.一棵0是枣树,另一棵也是枣树