2.21I have bought this story book for more than ten years.have bought 错了应该改为?为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 07:31:26

2.21I have bought this story book for more than ten years.
have bought 错了应该改为?为什么?

have bought -----have had 已经拥有,这个动词可以延续,而buy 是短暂动词


have bought是瞬间动词,表示买那个动作,而for more than ten years是说已经10年了,你不可能买一个东西买了10年,SO,把have bought改成have had,意思就变成已经拥有了十年了,意思就通顺了,你滴明白

have bought 应该改为 have had 表示已经拥有,因为have这个动词可以表示延续,而buy 是短暂动词,不能用于延续性的动作。