
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 01:15:10


It has two big black ears,it alaways wears the white gloves,the rad shorts and the pair of yellow shoes.It is the cartoon from the Walt Disney .People all round the world almost all know it.And I think they all love it.
Mickey Mouse.

Mum,mum,mum......I like eatting best! And how heavy I am! Every day, I have to walk with a monkey whoes last name is Sun and other people . I am Zhu Bajie

I have two big ears . I have write hands. I wear black clothes . I am Mickey .

He lives in Africa...His father has been murdered by his uncle who later became the king instead of him....

do you know whom has ever said "love me,feed me,don't leave me"

It has the lovely jacket of blue and white, there is no ear, there is a pocket which is filled with a treasure thing, pass through crisis for a boy.Huge mouth, the aircraft is over the head.


It has the lovely jacket of blue and white, there is no ear, there is a pocket which is filled with a treasure thing, pass through crisis for a boy.Huge mouth, the aircraft is over the head.



I think everyone knows him.He is a lazy but funny cat.
He was born in a kitchen on 19th.June,1978.
His favourite hobby is sleeping and his best friend is the mirror.
He likes eating pizza very much.But he does'nt like eating fruit cake and nails.
What is it?


不要太长,我是要让别人猜一个卡通人物(英语的),不能出现那个卡通人物的名字,最好是大家熟悉的,请先写英语的,在中文解释,最后告诉答案 关于日记的警示语,不许让别人看的、一定要押韵,不要太长,5.6句就行、 小学生英语作文《我最喜欢的卡通人物》15句话 不用太长 生词最好不要哦! 卡通人物编一个故事 苦求比喻句写一个比喻句,形容某个地方很黑.句子要优美点,但不要太长.我是一个小孩子,不要太深奥. 找篇英语笑话不要太长的100个单词以下就够了我是七年级的让我会读的要朗读比赛,嘿嘿不要让我失望哦 英语翻译我是一个男孩 喜欢踢足球 酷酷的外表(有点自夸了哈...) 我对朋友非常好 对兄弟们也很仗仪 想让大家给我起个英文名字 不要太长 但也不要太通俗了 最好是别人没听过的名字 让 造一个排比句 不要太长 要短的不要太长要短的 要简短!不要太长! 要实际 不要太长 请帮忙起一个英文名我是女生 喜欢古典 希望名字不要太长 也不要太常见的那种 名字叫彩玲,帮忙起一个英文名,要谐音的,后面是Lee结尾的,我是女的不要太长,六位数左右就行了… 黄帝的神话传说要一个故事的,不要太长~谢谢! 介绍你喜欢的卡通人物介绍一下卡通人物,(我是男的)并说名原因!150字左右,可以复制,但是要达到这3个要求!才奖分! 请提供给我以“我是班级小主人”为题的一个小品明天班会要表演.要以“我是班级小主人”为题.人数不要太多!时间不要太长.一定要切题! 急求关于刘邦项羽的古文故事 (不要太长,3篇,要古文,不要现代文 不要太长了 文章我是要抄的 求入团志愿书不要太长 和别人撞题率低的 初一班级口号要押韵的口号,不要太长,我是初一151班