
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/14 07:53:53


It sounds/seems that you do not understand/get what I just said.Please point out where the problem is./ Please tell me what confused you.(看起来,你似乎没有明白我刚才说的内容.请指出问题的所在./ 请告诉我是什么让你迷惑了.)

Why you don't understand what i have told you ?Did I say anything wrong? What's the problem?

Why you just can't understand what I am talking about? Is there anything that I didn't make clear? What's the problem then?

Why don't you understand what I said ?
Is what I have said wrong ? == Is there anything wrong in what I have said ?
What's the problem ?