
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 08:21:45


意思是in those countries where the water more than oil to be valuable. Friends with a value of 10 U.S. dollars are often the water when the gift," translated into English. .

"in those countries where the water more than oil to be valuable. Friends with a value of 10 U.S. dollars are often the water when the gift," translated into English. .

Water is much more valuable in those coutries, so water cost of ten dollars is usually taken as gift for friends.

A, happiness is your hand on my hand. Second, many cases are warm bed, bed you warm it will bring you a night of warmth, also forgot the first cold, always little, "in those countries than oil to more valuable. Friends often take the water when the value of $10 gift."

Water is far more valuable than oil in those countries. Therefore, people usually take $10 water as a gift when visiting friends.

英语翻译“在那些国家里水比油要值钱的多.朋友们往往带值十美元的水当礼品”翻译成英文. 没带什么值钱的物品在身上.英语翻译~ 玄武岩里的贝壳化石值钱吗 世界上最值钱的货币?`````是哪个国家的 地球上哪个国家的钱最值钱? 在中国古算术《张丘建算经》里,有一道著名的“百鸡问题”:今有鸡翁一,值钱五;鸡母一,值钱三;鸡雏三,值钱一.凡百钱买百鸡,翁、母、雏各几何?(提示:转化为求二元一次方程组的非负 有些动物主要是皮值钱,譬如狐狸;有些动物主要是肉值钱,譬如牛;有些动物主要是骨头值钱,譬如人.“骨头”在这句话里指的是___________ 应用题,在中国古算术《张丘建算经》里,有一道著名的百鸡问题:今有鸡翁一,值钱五;鸡母一,值钱三;鸡雏三,值钱一.凡百钱买百鸡,翁、母、雏各几何? 生物燃料在那些国家用的比较多? 那些人现在肯定在房屋里面.国家,用英语翻译 谁知道漫画那些年那些兔的那些事里的动物竟哪些国家 心知杜明的是什么动物?最值钱、富裕的是什么动物?必须要在十二人生肖里的 法语国家名词的阴阳性在法语里,那些国家的名词,比如Japon什么的哪些是阴性哪些是阳性的呢? 山海经里的国家位于哪里?写一部架空小说,可能要用到山海经的个别国家,但苦于不知道那些国家在哪里.在山海经中,它们是存在于大陆上的吗?如果书中没有说在哪里,我把其中个别国家设定在 我惊讶那些孩子能在这么热的天气里玩的.英语翻译 请问现在津巴布韦是世界上钱最不值钱的国家吗? 英文翻译!为什么那些男的说Virgin很值钱…搞不明白耶! 苏伊士运河在那些国家旁?