请问下面这段英语短文有病句吗?有的话请老师指出.Who Knows my favorite color?Who knows the weather I like?Who knows what i like to do?Who Knows which music i like?Who will never leave me?Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt?Who

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:02:01

Who Knows my favorite color?Who knows the weather I like?Who knows what i like to do?Who Knows which music i like?Who will never leave me?Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt?Who knows how lonely i am in my world?Who knows how frighted i am when i walk in the darkness?If you can't do understand me,please don't look for me,at the Styx,the boats and other shore blossom,blood is flowing...Who am I don't konw…

Who Knows which music i like => Who knows what music i like
Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt? => 这句话是什么意思?不过一定有语病.
Who knows how frighted i am when i walk in the darkness? => Who knows how frightened I am when I walk in the darkness?
If you can't do understand me => If you can't understand me
other shore blossom => red spider lily 或 manjusaka

请问下面这段英语短文有病句吗?有的话请老师指出.Who Knows my favorite color?Who knows the weather I like?Who knows what i like to do?Who Knows which music i like?Who will never leave me?Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt?Who 这段英语有病句吗?The old woman out of my zone.老女人滚出我的地盘. 请问下面这个英文短文有病句吗?有的话请指出,Who Knows my favorite color?Who knows the weather I like?Who knows what i like to do?Who Knows which music i like?Who will never leave me?Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt?Who knows 看看这篇英语小短文 有没有错误下面这篇英语小短文 有没有 不正确的 地方?请一一改正.如果您有多余时间的话 请讲述中文的大概意思.when it comes to sports,you might think of twisting human fream into co 这段短文有几个自然段? 秋天有露珠吗?有的话请帮忙写一篇200短文 修改病句 下面这段文字有四句话,各有一处语病,请加以修改.3.下面这段文字有四句话,各有一处语病,请加以修改.(4分)  ①提出低碳经济的大背景,是全球气候变暖对人类发展和生存的严峻 请问有没有病句 请问谁有《新概念英语1》的全部教学视频有的话请发给我 请问您有没有九年级英语课本和单词听力?如果有的话请上传, 西方哲学请问有哪位西方大哲对道家老庄哲学有专门研究,以及相关著作,方便的话,请介绍下. 枕头有味道,这段时间还老下雨, 请问下面这段英语的意思是什么? 这段文字 英语怎么说?“这段文字是”英语怎么说?2,“这段文字是” 如果 有谓语动词的话 是用单数,还是复数?意思到就OK,“下面的这段日文” following.....把这个也表达也用英语写出啦 请问您现在还有 老托福听力partc 的音频和原文吗 有的话能发给我吗? 谁会翻译这段短文?谢谢有好评,要快 有此病句:“我到超市买了鱼,虾,盐等水产品.”如果盐是水产品的话此病句就不成立,请问盐是水产品吗? 请用津津乐道,德高望重,意味深长,别有深意这4个成语写1段有情景和主题的话