
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 08:41:22


Market economy is actually a competition system, it is different from planned economy system is that all the main characteristics of the enterprise are the same as equal competition, no government administrative intervention. The results of the competition between the industry, will be superior bad discard. The nature environment also reflect in the market economy condition of the relationship between the enterprise. And the enterprise to survive in the keen competition, the key should be production or provide inexpensive high-quality products or services. Only in this way can we occupation of the market, and win in the competition. If in the competition to win with cheap price should be with a low cost as the prerequisite. Only reduce the cost, the cost of building great management control system, make the most cost effective management, just have a lower price basis. If not to count the cost to lower the price, can be in only competition failure. Therefore, under the conditions of market economy strengthen cost management has very important practical significance

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