
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 09:52:15


In the first act of Shelly drama, Prometheus is tied to the Caucasus rocks by despotic God, suffering from endless affliction. However, he endured such torture and refused to surrender to the tyrant Jupiter, as he believed in the elves who predict that humans have a future for their strong perseverance in the fight against tyranny and their self-sacrificing spirit. In this act, the poet manifests Prometheus’s unyieldingness and sanguinity.
In the second act, Asia, Prometheus’s long-separated lover, waits in the picturesque vale for spring and dawn, presaging an imminent reunion with Prometheus. Although the protagonist does not show up in this act, his estimable disposition and nature of always having love and hope is thoroughly displayed.
In the third act, Hades, son of Jupiter, who symbolizes the necessity of reformation, eventually takes Jupiter’s crown and throws him deep into the hell. Meanwhile, Hercules, the god of strength, released Prometheus from his excruciation.

英语翻译雪莱诗剧的第一幕写了普罗米修斯被专制的上帝拴缚在高加索岩石上,受着长期痛苦的折磨,但他坚毅不屈,拒绝向暴君朱比特投降,因为预知未来的精灵说人类是有希望的,人类有反专 普罗米修斯的阅读答案 选文详细写了哪两件事 里的我本有心照明月,奈何明月照沟渠的原诗是什么?谁写的?不是,打错了既然是诗剧,为什么只有两句? 普罗米修斯什么故事,主要写了什么 普罗米修斯被宙斯锁在了高加索山上遭受着无尽的苦难,续写普罗米修斯被死死地锁在高高的悬崖上,他遭受着没有尽头的痛苦 (续写)------------------------------------------------------------------------- 赞扬普罗米修斯的诗,要自己写的,抄的就不用了!好的加分! 诗剧:”捣麝成尘”的全诗是什么? 读了普罗米修斯后的感想 希腊神话中救了普罗米修斯的是谁? 普罗米修斯承受了怎样的痛苦 普罗米修斯经受了哪些痛苦的折磨 普罗米修斯的外星人喝了什么 31普罗米修斯1至5自然段写普罗米修斯做了一件什么事 英语翻译:普罗米修斯的肝脏不断被老鹰啄食,然后又不断长出新的来 普罗米修斯课文主要写了什么?最好短一点 普罗米修斯这篇课文主要写了什么, 《普罗米修斯的故事》中普罗米修斯除了带给人类火,还带给了人什么 普罗米修斯受到的惩罚请问:普罗米修斯一共受到了哪些惩罚?