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过去式 The preterist approach.This approach,also known as the “contemporary-historical” (zeitgeschichtlich),is the most common today.It insists that the visions of John grow out of and describe events in John’s own day.The symbols in the visions all refer to people,countries,and events in the world of that day; and John’s purpose is to exhort his readers to remain faithful to Christ as they wait for God to deliver them into his eternal kingdom.历史式 The historical approach.Several movements in the Middle Ages grew up in the conviction that the millennium was about to dawn.To buttress their beliefs,they found in the Revelation a sketch of history from the time of Christ to their own day.This approach (the kirchengeschichtlich) was popular with the Reformers also,enabling them to identify the beast in the Revelation with the papacy.将来式 The futurist approach.A consistently futurist (or endgeschichtlich) approach holds that everything in the Revelation from chapter 4 to the end finds its fulfillment in the very last days of human history.The view is also held in a more moderate form,according to which some of the events in these chapters—particularly the earlier ones—take place in history before the end.理念式 The idealist approach.Some scholars are convinced that we are on the wrong track altogether in trying to identify the events portrayed in John’s visions.The symbolism is designed,they argue,to help us understand God’s person and ways with the world in a general way,not to enable us to map out a course of events.Revelation,then,teaches us “the action of great principles and not special incidents.” 卡森他们的意见呢:4种方法都并非毫无道理,但他们认为,将来式与《启示录》的性质和目的最接近.Along with several recent commentators,91 we find some truth in all four of these views.Yet it is the futurist approach that comes closest to doing justice to the nature and purposes of Revelation.