
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 06:44:44


I hear that a vast territory produces abundant crops, a great country holds enormous population, and a strong military generates courageous soldiers.
Hence, the Tai Mountain does not discriminate the soil and becomes massive;
the rivers and seas do not segregate little streams and get deep;
the kings do not seperate from the populace and get their virtues shown.
Consequently, the territory is not divided into different regions; the populace are not segregated by nationalities; four seasons are filled with nice and beautiful things; spirits and gods all bestow their blessings. This is why the five emporors and three kings were invincible.

I heard that ground wide person Su Duo, country big people, force of arms is Shi yong. Taishan is to let the soil, so it can become bigger and bigger; Hohai is not the small streams, so it can be so d...


I heard that ground wide person Su Duo, country big people, force of arms is Shi yong. Taishan is to let the soil, so it can become bigger and bigger; Hohai is not the small streams, so it can be so deep; the king is not Zhongshu, so Ming Qide. Is not square, people without exotic, four filled with beauty, ghosts and gods blessing, this is also the kings invincible


地大物()闻强()忆犹新快! 强闻博识是什么意思 战天斗()大物()闻强()忆犹()人辈()人头地(接龙) 英语翻译臣闻地广者粟多,国大者人众,兵强则士勇.是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深;王者不却众庶,故能明其德.是以地无四方,民无异国,四时充美,鬼神降福,此五帝 英语翻译3、臣闻地广者粟多,国大者人众,兵强则士勇.是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深;王者不却众庶,故能明其德.是以地无四方,民无异国,四时充美,鬼神降福,此五 英语翻译以佐命功 以太祖数微行过臣家 过久之,闻叩门声,普亟出 亟则弹丸黑子之地,将安逃乎 安 英语翻译偃,不亦善乎而问之也!今者吾 丧我,汝知之乎?女闻人籁而未闻地籁,女闻地籁而不闻天籁夫.这句话如何翻译? 臣闻之 闻是什么意思 英语翻译翻译:臣闻其将屠者子,贾竖易动以利 强强地问下, 英语翻译吾从北方,闻子为梯将以攻宋.宋何罪之有?荆国有余于地,而不足于民,杀所不足而争所有余,不可谓智;宋无罪而攻之,不可谓仁;知而不争,不可谓忠;争而不得,不可谓强;义不杀少而 英语翻译1.久居芝兰之室不闻其香2.久处绮旎之地不觉其美翻译翻译..... 用英语翻译“闻起来很香” 英语翻译1、臆!微斯人吾谁与归?2、余是以记之,以俟观人风者得焉.3、臣乃市井鼓刀屠者.4、仲尼之徒无道桓文之事者,是以后世无传焉,臣未之闻也.5、兵挫地削,亡其六郡,身客死于秦,为天下笑 什么强地拼搏 欢天喜()大物()闻强()忆犹()陈代谢、、短兵()二连()生有()灾乐()从天降 史记.李斯列传要臣闻地.者也的翻译 《谏逐客书》课文第三段翻译~臣闻地广者栗多.此所谓籍寇兵而赍盗粮者也