求以I Believe I Can为题的英语演讲稿.拜托各位了 3Q要两份,能念两分钟以上,初一水平.辛苦大家了!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 07:04:32

求以I Believe I Can为题的英语演讲稿.拜托各位了 3Q

I believe I can There is a sentence by Shakespear:No matter what you do,do it well.It has become my motto.It courages me to work harder than others because I know that I want to be more successful than others,I must pay more.And there is another one by Liyang:Pain past is pleasure.So I believe i can,because i have prepared to past the coming pain I deserve.If you believe you can,then you can make it.I havae confidence in myself and I know I will make it.Thank you.注意停顿,两分钟就差不多了.追问:那个,可以更长一点吗?这样肯定不够的.还有,再来一篇!回答:说了你要停顿,我这也只是个 轮廓 ,中间可以加点事实进去的,你可以试一下看看有没有两分钟.另外一篇现在没时间.追问:- -你没空回答什么啊.回答:能答一点算一点,能 帮一点 算一点