
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/15 10:24:54


先说去了公园(park),然后说看见了长颈鹿(giraffe)、大象(elephant)、老虎(tiger)、狮子(lion)、猴子(monkey).我最喜欢猴子(I like monkey best.)因为它们很可爱而且长得和人很像(Because they are cute and look like people.)我想扔香蕉给它们吃,但妈妈说:“‘不能给动物投食’是动物园的规矩.”(I want to give my banana to them but mum said:“Do not feed the animals in the zoo's rule.”)因此我没这么做(So I didn't do it.)我们一家离开了动物园然后吃了餐饭(We came out of the zoo and had a good meal.)我们在动物园玩得很开心(We had a good time at the zoo.)