Error using ==> surf at 78 Z must be a matrix,not a scalar or vector.怎么将i变为矩阵那delta=0:0.1:1;epsilon=0:0.1:1;[xx,tt] = meshgrid(epsilon,delta);i=-2*((1-delta).*(1-epsilon).*log2(1/2*(1-delta).*(1-epsilon))+delta.*(1-epsilon).*log2(1/2*

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 06:52:46

Error using ==> surf at 78 Z must be a matrix,not a scalar or vector.怎么将i变为矩阵那
[xx,tt] = meshgrid(epsilon,delta);


matlab使用插值进行着色处理Z must be a matrix,not a scalar or vectorz应该怎么改?>> [x,y]=meshgrid(-5:0.1:5);>> z=5;>> surf(x,y,z);shading interp;Error using surf (line 75)Z must be a matrix,not a scalar or vector 用matlab的surf函数,画z=根号下(x+y)的图像.x,y范围都是-5到5[x,y]=meshgrid(-5:0.1:5);z=sqrt(x+y);surf(x,y,z);Error using ==> surf at 74X,Y,Z,and C cannot be complex.这是我的程序和错误.希望有人能剖析一下能否有其 matlab的三维画图 想画一个球 方程是x^2+y^2+z^2=100; 那么怎么画呢?程序如下:>> x=[-10:0.5:10];>>y=sqrt(100-x.^2);>> [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y);>> z=sqrt(100-(x.^2+y.^2));>> surf(x,y,z)Error using ==> surf at 78X,Y,Z,and C cannot be com Error using ==> surf at 78 Z must be a matrix,not a scalar or vector.怎么将i变为矩阵那delta=0:0.1:1;epsilon=0:0.1:1;[xx,tt] = meshgrid(epsilon,delta);i=-2*((1-delta).*(1-epsilon).*log2(1/2*(1-delta).*(1-epsilon))+delta.*(1-epsilon).*log2(1/2* matlab问题:用surf和surfc绘图是不是必须用meshgrid定义变量例如我这有写的话:x1=2000:5:3600;x2=2000:5:3600;f=70*x1+120*x2;surfc(x1,x2,f);提示错误:Error using ==> surfc at 42The surface Z must contain more than one row or matlab中,已知大量点的三维坐标x,y,z ,如何绘制出这个曲面,要网格的曲面,希望写出具体代码 这些点是规矩的网格点 比如饮料瓶子的形状,用surf 会报surface的错误 Error using ==> surfaceMatrix dimension matlab Error using ==> sym.mpowerError using ==> sym.mpowerMatrix must be square.我没用什么矩阵饿? Error using ==> rgb2gray>parse_inputs MAP must be a m x 3 array. matlab出现了Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.程序怎么改啊,呜呜?这是我的程序s=0:2*pi;t=0:pi;r=10000;x=r.*cos(s);y=r.*sin(s).*cos(t);z=r.*sin(s).*cos(t);surf(x,y,z);[x,y,z] = sphere(30);grid on;shading flat;axis equal Matlab中出现了Matrix must be square.>> syms x y z X Yx=-5:0.1:5; y=x;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);x^2.*z^3+9.*y^2.*z^3/80==(x^2+9.*y^2/4+z^2-1)^3;surf(X,Y,z)Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个是什么问题?系统把x y z X Y当成了矩 一个matlab问题,vc=3;a=0.4;f=0:0.1:400;h=0:0.01:6;[ff,hh]=meshgrid(f,h);NSA=1000*vc./(pi*ff).*((pi*ff.*hh./(1000*vc)).^2-(1-a)^2).^0.5-1000*(1-a)*vc./(pi*ff)....*acos(1000*(1-a)*vc./(pi*ff.*hh));surf(ff,hh,NSA)出现错误提示为:Error using = matlab ? Error using ==> mpower Matri>> x=linspace(-2,2,100);>> y=(x^2)*sin(x^2-x-2);plot(x,y)? Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.这个要怎么改? matlab中的cos(n^2)为什么不对cos(n^2)Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.>> x=cos(n*n);Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.我是R2007 Matlab程序提示错误:Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.Matlab程序:x=0.01:0.01:9; y=(4.5-x)*sqrt(9*x-x.^2); 提示:Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree. MATLAB程序,这个程序不知道为什么出现?Error using ==> mpower Matrix must be square. 在matlab中运行出现错误:Error using ==> rstool Insufficient data to fit model Linear. Error using ==> stem The length of X must match the number of rows of Y.怎么改? Error using ==> ga Too many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22Error using ==> gaToo many input arguments.Error in ==> GABPNET at 22[x,endPop,bPop,trace]=ga('gabpEval',aa,[],initPpp,[1e-6 1 1],'maxGenTerm',gen,...哥们,似乎你也遇过同