Let's go visit the Summer Palace.(改为反意疑问句)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 22:21:39

Let's go visit the Summer Palace.(改为反意疑问句)


Let's go visit the Summer Palace, shall we?



如果原句是:Let us go visit the Summer Palace.

改为反意疑问句则是:Let us go visit the Summer Palace, will you?



前者Let's ...包括听话人在里面,比如说同学之间提议“我们大家一起……,好吗?”,所以需要用shall we;后者Let us不包括听话人,比如小孩征求大人(或长辈)的意见,就说“你让我们……,好吗?”,所以用will you.


另外,go visit 没错,不需要加 to,多见于口语中,美国英语尤其如此.更多例子如下:

Go sit in the kitchen and I'll be there in a second. (去厨房坐,我一会儿就过去.)

Go get a blanket for Grandma. (去拿块毯子给奶奶.)

Just go ask him; he's not going to bite you! (去问问他.他不会咬你的!)

We're almost ready. Go set the table. (我们快准备好了,去摆好桌子.)

My jacket was torn to pieces. Now I have to go buy another one. (我的夹克被撕烂了.我现在得去买另一件.)

We have to go pick up Michelle.(我们得开车去接米歇尔.)

We have to go milk the cows. (我们得去挤牛奶.)

Do you want to go (and) see a movie? (你们想去看电影吗?)

答案: Let's go to visit the Summer Palace,【shall we?】
【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

Let's go to visit the Summer Palace,shall we?

Let's go 【to】 visit the Summer Palace,【shall we?】
不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~

Let's go 【to】 visit the Summer Palace,shall we?