
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 01:54:56


The sejong han xiao wu emperor Liu Che (on July 14,157 - before the March 29,87),the han dynasty the fifth son of heaven,the great statesman,strategist and poet in ancient China,a national hero.Liu Che is order Liu Qi's tenth,MAO han,the son of Chinese emperor liu liu great-grandchildren.Seven years old was title-conferring as the crown prince,16 years old,and he reigned in the 54th year (141 BC - 87 BC),blow out the xiongnu during,annexed Korea,afford to peoples.Title,the author first,expand the han biggest territory,a winner.Liu Che collapse in 87 BC in five tussah palace,aged 70,was buried MAO ling,writings.finally \"xiao wu\",the temple sejong.Died two years ago,the crime has a letter to the audience,the wheels to regain the cure period of west han embraced and the people live in the policy,lay a foundation for the later zhao XuanZhongXing.