interwined destinies 和 match made in heaven这两个短语怎么用,第二个是we match made in heaven吗?还是we are matched made in heaven

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 03:12:09

interwined destinies 和 match made in heaven
这两个短语怎么用,第二个是we match made in heaven吗?还是we are matched made in heaven

This marks the beginning of their interwined destinies.
interwined destinies 不解之缘
match made in heaven 天生缘分,天作之合,天生一对,天生佳偶
They are a match made in heaven.

I believe we are a match made in heaven =)
They are a match made in heaven.
Lily and Tom are known to be as a match made in heaven.