
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 14:38:01


现在时:I never tell a lie.我从不撒谎.
过去时:Such an idea never occurred to me.我从没有过这个想法.
将来时:This will never work.这样永远不成.
现在完成时:I have never met him.我从来没见过他.
过去完成时:Before they married,they had never seen each other.他们结婚之前连面都没见过.
现在进行时:You are never doing things that you are supposed to do.你总是不在做你该做的事情.
过去进行时:When we were in school,we were never studying enough.我们上学的时候总是在不停地学习.
将来进行时:I will never be doing this for a living.我永远不会以此谋生.