
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 10:33:52


1. Dice tomato in to random sized chunks. No particular requirements on the shape. Braking eggs into a bowl, beat finely with some salt.
2. Pour certain amount of oil in to a wok(the amount of oil is the key to successful scrambled eggs. My experience is using 2/3 volume of the beaten eggs). Wait for oil to heat up,(I will cover how to judge the oil temperature later), pour in eggs. Noticing the eggs will solidify naturally. Leave it as is, until all of the eggs are solified.(pay attention to the amount of oil in the wok, if oil is not enough, stirred egg smear instead). Slide cooking spade(a.k.a "frying spoon") in between the egg and the wok, flip the egg over, keep on heat until golden on both side. Remove egg from wok(it can be left in the wok, but requires more skillfull handling, so remove the eggs for now). There should still be some oil in the wok at this time. Add in diced tomatos with a few quick stir. There will be some liquid coming out of the tomatos, because tomato contain large amount of juice. This is the time to add the eggs back in. add a pinch of salt, stir a few more times. It is ready to serve.
PS. Some one like to add a bit water in when cooking. I advise not to. If fact, there are enough liquid in tomato, no need additional water. Also, quality of the tomatos are not at the best these days, some time, they even got a slightly bitter tast, thus we can add some suger if needed.

英语翻译1、西红柿切成块,要大小不一,什么形状无所谓,鸡蛋打开放入碗中,打匀,放入少许的盐.2.锅内放入适量(炒鸡蛋的时候,油放多少很关键,我的经验是放相当于鸡蛋液的2/3)的油,等油 有一块正方形的蛋糕,只准切五刀,要切成大小不一的二十一块,怎么切. 50分用英语翻译西红柿炒鸡蛋的过程.直接翻译以下文字即可【菜名】西红柿炒鸡蛋 【原料】西红柿一个;鸡蛋四只;食油两匙;精盐少许. 【制作过程】先将西红柿去蒂洗净,切成丁块;再将 把一个棱长4厘米的正方体木块切割,共切成12块大小不一的长方体,那么这12块长方体的表面积和是多少? 英语翻译【菜名】西红柿炒鸡蛋 【原料】西红柿一个;鸡蛋四只;食油两匙;精盐少许.【制作过程】先将西红柿去蒂洗净,切成丁块;再将鸡蛋打入碗中,加入精盐搅匀.接着将炒锅置于旺火 做西红柿炒圆白菜的时候西该什么时候放西红柿?西红柿该切成什么样子?谢谢大家回复,那么西红柿里面的馅儿是不是要挖出来? 1刀可把西瓜切成两块,2刀可把西瓜切成四块,三刀能把西瓜切成八块,怎样用四刀把西瓜切成14块和15块? 如图所示,一个长方体长12厘米,宽10厘米,高6厘米.沿水平方向切成2片,再将每片切成3条,再将每条切成4块,共得到24个大小不一的长方体,那么这24个长方体的表面积总和是多少? 一个机器用10分钟把1块木头切成7块,问同样的一块木头切49块要多久? 一块正方形蛋糕切三刀,要切成18块,怎么切? 150平方切成24墙体要多少块砖 一张大饼,切1刀最多切成2块,切2刀最多切成4块,切3刀最多切成7块,……问切10刀最多切成多少块? 把一个棱长1分米的正方体切成棱长1cm的小正方形,可以切成几块?要算式!对不起,我打错了,是把一个棱长1米的正方体切成棱长1cm的小正方形,可以切成几块? 许多西红柿 英语翻译 汤里有西红柿吗?英语翻译 胡萝卜切成块为什么有沉有浮? 把棱长1分米的正方体切成棱长是1厘米的小正方体,可以切成几块 把一个棱长1dm的正方体切成棱长1厘米的小正方体,可以切成几块