
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 14:22:13


① 最简单的译法就是:I'm expecting the day.
(根据《柯林斯高阶英汉词典》:expect 盼望;期待;等待 If you are expecting something or someone,you believe that they will be delivered to you or come to you soon,often because this has been arranged earlier.)
注意:虽然I expect that day to come soon或者I expect that day will come soon在语法上没有问题,但此时主要是说我预期那一天会很快到来,与原意有出入.
②根据中文意思,此处的“期待”更多是“期望,希望”的意思,而“快些来”偏向于主观意愿,客观上一般无法实现,因此可用wish+虚拟语气:I wish that day would come sooner.
如果那一天快些到来在客观上能够实现的话,可以采用:I hope that day will come sooner.

I‘m looking forward for the day's coming.

I expect that day will come soon.
或 I'm looking forward to that day to come quickly.
look forward to/expect 盼望,期待,希望

I'm looking forward for the day to come.