
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 00:10:37


哪种答案网上是没有的,打上去不太现实.亲爱的同学呀,还是听老师的吧 .现在这个社会对英语的要求越来越高了.要耐得住寂寞和无聊,打下坚实的基础,对以后的发展很有用的.我班就有很多同学由于英语没打好基础,其他科还行.可是现在英语总是拖后腿,也很难补上. 总而言之,你现在上初一,应该把握时间学好英语. 希望你能满意,记得给好评呀哈哈

一、1.Are there any boys on the playground?
2.Don't watch TV in the evening.
3.I can't speak English either.
4.The tomatoes on the tables are red.
5.How much chalk is there in the box?


一、1.Are there any boys on the playground?
2.Don't watch TV in the evening.
3.I can't speak English either.
4.The tomatoes on the tables are red.
5.How much chalk is there in the box?
6.How many bags of coffee are there in the room?
7.What's there in the street?
8.has no
9.Can have a look at
二、B:This there
A:this is
B:birthday in come
A:certainly time
B:At this be
三 1.Tommow first day
Everything ready for
2.are four boxex
ice cream fridge
3.only a little
4.much sugar enough for
5.have glass of first
6.telephone call for
7.are out
8.only Chinese




unit1 my name is gina
1. 321
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