描述身边的环境污染状况 写出危害 进行呼吁人们从自身做起 保护环境运用课本上的知识写

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 03:20:35

描述身边的环境污染状况 写出危害 进行呼吁人们从自身做起 保护环境

Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue.The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.
We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this,life on earth cannot survive.
Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air,forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.
Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems,to use modern methods of birth control,to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.
Our actions of non-ecofriendly might seem little and can't much harm to the environment but as time passes by and all our actions are added up together and this might cause chaos in the future.
In the effort of protecting the environment,we will consider the effect of our actions before making decisions.Will our actions do any good to the environment or will it continue to harm the environment?This is the question that must be thought of when taking actions.
As we all know,we do not have centuries to go anymore.Scientist around the globe is already complaining about the effect of global warming and the unstable environment that we all have nowadays.
Besides recycling,we will also reuse thing that can be use again such as food containers and shopping bags.Food containers can be kept and put aside.It can be use to keep food when needed.Shopping bags can also be use to carry things...
1. 中国的污染的现状
2. 造成污染的原因
3. 解决的办法
Pollution:An Increasing Concern in China
It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world.This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation:industrial wastes pumped into the air,the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.
To my view,stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution.Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined.Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air.And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned.What’s more,the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind.If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better,we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.
Protect our environment
The earth is the homeland where we live.Once upon a time the air was so fresh and the earth were covered with green trees.But with the development of industry,Our environment is not as beautiful as before.
The air is polluted by factries and cars.Too much noise is produced by them.Many rivers are also polluted by waste water.People have to drink the poluted water which is bad for our health.
Now we must take some measures to prevent the earth from being polluted.Stop the factries from produing more waste water.We sholdn't use plastic bags any more .Plant more trees to make our air clean again.