
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 07:21:41


Baoding is a city with a history dating back to the Western Han Dynasty.It was destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century,but after the Mongols established the Yuan Dynasty,it was rebuilt.Baoding is located around 140 kilometres south of Beijing.It is nearly halfway between Beijing and Shijiazhuang,the capital of Hebei province.Baoding is located in the centre of the Bohai Rim economic area which includes Beijing,Tianjin and Shijiazhuang.One of the largest employers in Baoding is China Lucky Film,the largest photosensitive materials and magnetic recording media manufacturer in China.Perhaps the best known item to supposedly originate in Baoding are Baoding Balls.
Anxin County is home to the Quantou Village Music Association (圈头村音乐会),a well known traditional music group performing on guan (oboes),sheng (mouth organs),and percussion.The village of Quantou is located on an island in Lake Baiyangdian.
The city's streets follow a rough grid pattern,although this is less obvious in the older part of the city.The traditional main street of old Baoding is Yuhua Road,running from the city's centre to its eastern edge — most of Baoding's historic buildings are located in this area,along with some of its larger shopping centres.Other major streets include Dongfeng Road and Changyang Avenue.There is a ring road around the city