
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 19:16:50


My Dog
my dog is the cleverest animal of all.
he doesn't chase and catch a ball.
with eyes open wide,
he hunts when l hide,
he doeswonderful tricks,
builds me camps out of sticks,
he'd never bark or fight.
my dog is my very best friend,
and I'll look after him until the end.
My Goldfish
my goldfish is a wondfish pet.
she doesn't need a bed.
she isn't any trouble.
she doesn't bark,
she doesn't miaow,
just bubbles,
My goldfish is a wonderful pet.
she doesn't need a bed.
she isn't any trouble.
we don't have to feed her much,
she doesn't need a rabbit hutch,
just bubbles,
cats sleep anywhere,
any table,
any chair,
top of piano,
window ledge,
open drawer,
empty shoe,
anyboby's lap will do,
fitted in a cardboard box,
in the cupboard,
with your frocks,
they don't care!
cats sleep anywhere.

谁能给我3首押韵的英文诗啊,每首诗最后一个单词押韵就可以,每句要大概7个单词,每首诗最少4句,求救··· 英文圣诞节诗一共20句话,每句最后一个词押韵!英文的!我的分多于200只要我采纳我就给200等我说清楚,20句每2句押韵,不是全部哈哈中国也不是全呆哈 一首押韵的秋天英文小诗 要押韵 是英文的 两到三句话左右 快快! 求四句的~一句七个字的诗;二四两句最后一个字要押韵,而且必须自创的,快哦20点之前给我超级急,急 给一首和家人、家庭有关英语诗写你一家人一天的生活的或者其他~要押韵!一定要押韵~好的追分!请在3月9日6点前给~急用! 一首描写春景的诗,要押韵要自创 十万火急,求哪位大神帮我写一首关于篮球的英语押韵小诗,写八行就好,记住是英文的啊!最好是励志一点的,押韵的字放在诗首和诗尾都行! 谁能给我找点韵母是i的押韵字,最好是赞美教师的相关押韵字 给我几首淫荡点的诗词.要押韵啊, 我需要一首押韵的英文诗.十行.一行4至8个词.描写一样东西我喜欢的.从颜色,样子,声音着手.不要爱情.写的好我绝对加分. 谁能给我点和DOOR, FLOOR押韵的单词,越多越好,好的有追加 谁能给我编一首儿歌押韵一点,适合小学生的 谁能给我给我一首爱国诗 让我们推荐 还要写驮尖的理由 押韵的描写景物的句子(只是最后一字押韵就ok了,不用像诗一样讲究对仗!亲们,帮忙,写春景的 英语翻译翻译成英文,翻得好从100不等,可以尽量翻译的有押韵的感觉吗?其实我也没有办法,要考托福,准备一首自己喜欢的诗, 押韵是什么意思,韵脚就是每句诗的最后一个字的韵母吗?就用《示儿》陆游来举个例子吧. 押韵是什么意思,韵脚就是每句诗的最后一个字的韵母吗?就用《示儿》陆游来举个例子吧. 谁能给我一首英文诗歌 关于理想方面的要能激发人斗志的.