英语翻译元太祖,即成吉思汗(hán)(Ghinggis Khan),孛儿只斤氏,名铁木真.蒙古族,世界历史上的杰出政治家、军事家.公元1206年,被推举为蒙古帝国的大汗,统一蒙古高原各部落.在位期间,多次发动

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元太祖,即成吉思汗(hán)(Ghinggis Khan),孛儿只斤氏,名铁木真.蒙古族,世界历史上的杰出政治家、军事家.公元1206年,被推举为蒙古帝国的大汗,统一蒙古高原各部落.在位期间,多次发动征服战争,征服地域西达黑海海滨,东括几乎整个东亚,建立了世界历史上著名的横跨欧亚两洲的大帝国之一.投奔克烈部汪罕,收集亡父旧部,逐渐恢复实力.约在金大定未建立宫帐,称汗.与札答阑部札木合等作战,败绩,史称十三翼之战.金承安元年(1196),与汪罕联兵助金截击塔塔儿部翰里札河(今蒙古乌勒吉河),金授察兀忽鲁之官.又随汪罕与乃蛮部战,战后诸部来附,势力增强.金泰和元年(1201)二月,与汪罕战胜以札木合为首的蒙古高原十余部盟军.灭塔塔儿撕四部,据呼伦贝尔草原,实力大增.三年,被汪罕发兵掩袭,败退至班朱尼河(呼伦湖西南).不久,乘汪罕不备,奇袭汪罕牙帐,灭克烈部.次年与乃蛮部决战,灭乃蛮.六年于翰难河(今鄂嫩河)畔召开忽里台大会,建大蒙古国,即大汗位,加号成吉思,颁布札撒,建万人怯薛,分封九十五千户,设札鲁忽赤掌行政司法诸事.即位四年(1209),大举入侵西夏,引河水淹中兴府(今宁夏银川)迫使西夏纳女请和.六年,率大军南下攻金,分兵三路破华北各地.九年,因金帝献岐国公主请和,乃退兵.十年复以金帝迁都南京(今河南开封)为口实,攻占中都(今北京).病死于六盘山.元世祖至元二年(1265)上庙号太祖.次年,追上谥号圣武皇帝,至大二年(1309)加谥法天启运圣武皇帝.

元太祖,that Genghis Khan (hán) (Ghinggis Khan),Marco's son catties only,Kublai's name.Mongolian,the history of the world an outstanding statesman,military strategist.The Year in 1206,was elected to the Mongol Empire of sweat,unified the tribes in the Mongolian Plateau.Reign has launched wars of conquest,conquest of the west Black Sea coastal area,the East,including almost the entire East Asia,the establishment of the history of the world well-known across Europe and Asia,one of the great empire.Han Wang kerei went to the Department to collect Jioubu his late father,the gradual return of strength.Dading not about the establishment of the Golden Palace account,Khan said.A short note to go with the Department of札木合combat,defeat,known as the Battle of wing 13.Kim承安the first year (1196),in conjunction with Wang Han Tatar soldiers intercept fellowship in the Department of Jazeman Han River (now the Mongolian uuldza River),the Wu Hu Lu granted review of the officer.Han and Wang also with the Department of乃蛮war,after the war to诸部laws,strengthen the forces.Kim and the first year (1201) in February,and Wang Han札木合defeat to the allied forces led by the dozen in the Mongolian Plateau.Tatar tear out four,according to Hulunbeier grassland,increase in strength.Three years,was Han Wang Fabing掩袭,retreat to ban r.Zhu (Hulun southwest).Shortly thereafter,prepared by non-Han Wang,Han Wang teeth off surprise attacks,the Department kerei out.乃蛮decisive battle with the Department the following year,乃蛮out.Difficult to six years in the Han River (this onon River) River in Taiwan,then the General Assembly to convene,to build large Mongolia,that is sweat-bit,plus Cengiz,promulgated札撒,scared Xue Jian-million people,households九十五千Packet ,located at Chek札鲁suddenly everything in charge of the administration of justice.Ascended the throne for four years (1209),large-scale invasion of Western Xia,irrigation channel water ZTE House (now the Ningxia Yinchuan)西夏纳forcing women please.Six years,the rate of force to attack the south gold,breaking three-way分兵around North China.Nine years,due to Xian Qi State Jindi Princess please and is a retreat.Jindi decade to move the capital complex in Nanjing (now Kaifeng in Henan Province) as an excuse,captured in all (now Beijing).Died in Liupanshan.Yuan Khan two years (1265) on庙号Dynasty.The following year,to catch up with the posthumous title Sheng its emperor,Tai-year (1309) The posthumous title law emperor Sheng-day shipment.



英语翻译元太祖,即成吉思汗(hán)(Ghinggis Khan),孛儿只斤氏,名铁木真.蒙古族,世界历史上的杰出政治家、军事家.公元1206年,被推举为蒙古帝国的大汗,统一蒙古高原各部落.在位期间,多次发动 元太祖成吉思汗,是元朝的建立者了吗? 明朝怎么可能被女真灭了‘即成吉思汗(hán)(Ghinggis Khan),孛儿只斤氏,名铁木真。蒙古族,也是蒙古历史上的杰出政治家、军事家。公元1206年,被推举为蒙古帝国的大汗,统一蒙古高原 对唐太宗 宋太祖 成吉思汗的评价 为什么元朝不是成吉思汗建立的?那为什么他叫元太祖?那元朝是谁建立的 matlab怎样合并元胞数组比如 四个元胞数组M={’a‘; ’b‘; ’c‘} N={’e‘;’ f‘; ’g‘} P={’r‘} Q={’h‘}怎样 合并成{M N; P Q}即{’a‘ ’e‘; ’b‘ 'f'; ’c‘ 'g'; 'r' 'h'}的形式,一个4*2维的元胞 高等代数的一道题目,涉及多项式互素和矩阵运算,矩阵的秩.设数域F上的多项式h(x)和g(x)互素,即(h(x),g(x))=1,又f(x)=h(x)g(x),若存在n阶实矩阵A使得f(A)=0,证明:r (g(A)) + r (h(A)) = n. 元太祖铁木真是蒙古草原的英雄,被人们称作“成吉思汗”,其中,“汗”指的是?A大海b草原急用! 元太祖尊称为成吉思汗,汗的意思是大王,“成吉思”的意思是?一、大海二、草原三、高山四、河流 如何评价秦始皇,汉武帝,唐太宗,宋太祖,成吉思汗? 用一句话概括汉武帝,唐太宗,秦始皇,宋太祖,成吉思汗 简述唐太宗、宋太祖、成吉思汗的功绩简述唐太宗、宋太祖、成吉思汗值得人们称赞的地方 秦始皇、汉高祖、汉武帝、汉光武、魏太祖、隋文帝、唐太宗、宋太祖、成吉思汗、明成祖、清圣祖哪个最厉害 元太祖铁木真,姓什么? 元太祖铁木真谁能介绍一下 英语翻译ság hôm qua cũg k gọi e dậy đi học dù tối hôm trc' đã hứa,a tự nguyện nhé,e k yêu cầu,ság nay cũg thế dù tối qa cũg hứa.a 【数据结构】:f(n)=21*(n^4)+n^2+1000,g(n)=15*(n^4)+500*(n^3),h(n)=5000*(n^3.5)+n*logn.判断下列断言正确与否:1)f(n)是O(g(n))2) h(n) 是O(g(n))3)g(n)是O(h(n))4)h(n)是O(n^3.5)5) h(n)是O(n*logn) 求助一个matlab迭代循环语句问题求助一个迭代循环语句问题给出了A(1),B(1),C(1); G(1)=f(A(1),B(1),C(1)); D(1)=g(A(1),B(1),C(1)) ;A(2)=h(G(1),D(1)),B(2)=e(G(1),D(1)),C(2)=s(G(1),D(1))即A(n+1)=h(G(n),D(n)),B(n+1)=e(G(