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f(x)-g(x)=根号2*sin(x-π/4) ;A真
f[h(x)]=sin(x+π/3) 增区间(-2π/3,π/3) ;B真
g[f(x)]=cos(sinx); C假

Buddhists, not the same level of learning, understanding of the Buddhist also different.
Where is the significance of a Buddhist? Many people, learn just to ensure peace, security rich, healthy,...


Buddhists, not the same level of learning, understanding of the Buddhist also different.
Where is the significance of a Buddhist? Many people, learn just to ensure peace, security rich, healthy, with this purpose to a large number of Buddhists. Especially beginners who, on the significance of Buddhist there is no clear understanding of Buddhist and only bring some order to their secular well-being.
course, a Buddhist who was able to get three treasures of blessing, to get the blessings of Buddha. But we must be clear, the ultimate goal of Buddhist life is to develop inner wisdom; to stop worrying, the cycle of life and death; order to be able, as the interests of all sentient beings as Buddha.
Buddhists which, generally of two types.
One is to enrich their spare time, usually busy with study and work, monotonous and weekends to the temple to get together, find friends, chat, can increase a project their own lives. If it is with this purpose to study Buddhism, then the Buddhist is not the only option. Less than a temple to, but also to other places to go, can go to the club or with friends and relatives flew to sit, can also pass the time. If it is with this mentality to a Buddhist, is like \Of course can be used to bomb Pearl bird, but a casual bird stones can also be used shells, precious pearl in exchange for a small sparrow just too unfortunate.
the other is the Buddhist life as the most important part. Compared to their work and family than their own in the world for all that, a Buddhist has more significance. Thus, the Buddhist practice is to use whole life, they can even do this to give up everything.
Buddhist and as a person and what relationship? If you find a Buddhist temple in knock only to kowtow, worship Buddha, rather than Buddhist and implement all aspects of life, it is not to study Buddhism and to link their own real life.
we can see that in life there are those who usually also Buddha, and chanting, temple activities are willing to participate there seems to be also in the Buddhist, but his life, his character will not be affected change. Buddha is Buddha, worry is a worry is totally different. His troubles are not the slightest improvement, his personality did not get the upgrade. When he was doing something wrong or not wrong according to dry, when he cheat or not wrong according to deceive, he would not think he did it all, whether the teachings of the Buddha?
This is not a Buddhist and his life together, that is, Buddhist and as a person seriously out of line. In that case, it is fairly common now.
Some people may ask, still can not Buddhist life is not it? Why do Buddhist life?
since coming to this world, life on the run through our lives. Can be said that life is a life-long career, this profession is also special, we can not leave, can not resign their own work can not be transferred to others. So, how to lead a better life, more meaningful, related to the vital interests of each of us,yves saint laurent sale shoes, but also each of us must face the most important issue.
a person from birth to death, in the world for several decades the survival time seems very long, but if human history Xiang Bi, and the history of the universe compared to, at every stage of life is something we very much yes short.
world there are many people, because there is no clear goal in life, flies bored all day thinking of ways to pass the time, even with all the recreational drugs to pass the time. Visible short life for them, not too short but too long.
In fact, we can have such a life time of several decades, get rid of sleep and eat, can not much time left. If we sleep eight hours a day, then we would sleep out one-third of life. If we can live ninety years, then we would sleep out a full three years, this is how amazing the number of Ah!
already has a very short life, while the real time available less often in ignorance and the young, the elderly, when another energy failing. Buddhism tells us that life is rare, so this just a few decades, we must cherish.
One is to live it well, on the one hand is to be spent meaningfully, this is our two main goals in life. Many people only consider the former, just thinking about how happy. But if do not understand the meaning of life, do not understand the nature of happiness, not the correct way to achieve happiness, well-being of our efforts, and true happiness is often contrary.
human civilization and progress are based on the pursuit of happiness based on their own, each of us in society, every effort is made to the same purpose. We worked hard for the family, as the cause of physical exertion, worked hard to have more wealth, is nothing more than to happier. However, most of the world does not know what real happiness.
we can stop and ask yourself: happy? We also ask that the people will find that truly understand the happiness or well-being of people do not feel much.
Usually, we always happiness in the material basis. When we lack the corresponding material basis, it will find a house,cheap jimmy choo sandals, car and the corresponding material wealth is that we get the requisite conditions for human happiness. When we measure others, will use the same standards. We will think: This person house so spacious, so that personal luxury car ... ... they must be very happy. In general, we call happiness is nothing more than these.
In fact, the material can be used to measure our standard of living, and happiness are not necessarily causation. When we have a huge physical conditions, whether happiness will come together as house and car?
if the happiness and material conditions is directly proportional, then the world's richest people, is certainly the most happy people. But we will find that the fact that far from it. The world has a lot of rich people, life for the wealth of the tired, all day fear that their life is not happiness. While others, although the material is very simple, but you can feel comfortable to live, you can find the most primitive conditions of life of happiness.
we are often being based on an unknown, the establishment of the life we have not achieved the target.
happiness Where? We are blindly chasing. When we do not have time to get married, will find the basis for a happy married; when we do not have kids, will feel that children are our source of happiness; when we do not have the status of the time, will be prominent in the social status of protection as well . When busy, we feel, will be very happy to idle a bit; can some people had too much rest, to see someone else has made life goals, will only lead a rich and busy feel.
we understand the well-being, is only relative in terms of their current living conditions, the same substance do not have the happiness. So, when they realize the time bring us, and also only arise because of temporary satisfaction similar to happiness.
but the human desire is endless, we meet is very short, soon will have new desires. We always used to enjoy the sight of everything we have, only to lose only after they realize their value.
if one day we have it all, as if life has also denied a goal. Now people, material conditions of an era than ever people are superior, a middle class standard of living may be more than the emperors of the past, but many people has not been met,cheap manolo blahnik shoes uk, and not the resulting feeling of happiness.
the contrary, because the spiritual emptiness away looking for excitement, because life is boring away drugs, tired of life away because of alcohol to make trouble, and thus created many social problems. When we understand these, we find that the so-called life, happiness, and not just external things, even more than material improvements can be resolved.
generation and the establishment of well-being can not do without the most basic material conditions, but more important is a healthy attitude and a correct understanding of happiness.
material can only bring up our living environment, we need to have a good mood to enjoy, so good feelings are generated based on well-being.
we have to pursue happiness, also need to find the root cause of misfortune,christian louboutin boots uk, and only in life and well-being contrary to the elimination of all factors, to achieve happiness.


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函数f(X)=sinx对于x∈R都有f(X1) a>0,对于函数f(x)=(sinx+a)/sinx,(0 对于函数f(x)=sinx,g(x)=cosx,h(x)=x+pai/3,有如下四个命题A.f(x)-g(x)的最大值为根号B.f[h(x)]在区间[-pai/2,0]上是增函数C,g[f(x)]是最小正周期为2PAI的周期函数D,将F(X)的图象向右平移PAI/2个单位可得G(X)的图 函数F(X)={1+sinx,(x f(x)=arcsin(sinx)与g(x)=x是同一个函数吗? 对于可导函数f(x),g(x) ,f'(x)=g'(x)是f(x)=g(x)的 条件 9.如图是函数Q(x)的图象的一部分,设函数f(x)=sinx,g ( x )= 1/x,则Q(x9.如图是函数Q(x)的图象的一部分,设函数f(x)=sinx,g ( x )=1/x,则Q(x)=( )A.f(x)/g(x) B.f(x)g(x)C.f(x 已知函数f(x)=sinx,x∈R.(1)g(x)=2sinx.(sinx+cosx)-1的图像可由f(x)的图像经过 对于函数f(x)和g(x),定义运算“*”:当f(x)≤g(x)时,f(x)*g(x)=f(x);当f(x)>g(x)时,f(x)*g(x)=g(x)(接上)已知f(x)=x^2+5,g(x)=-x+5,求f(x)*g(x)的表达式 对于函数f(x)和g(x),定义运算“*”:当f(x)≤g(x)时,f(x)*g(x)=f(x);当f(x)>g(x)时,f(x)*g(x)=g(x)已知f(x)=根号x+3,g(x)=3-x,则f(x)*g(x)的最大值是多少? 已知函数f(x)=x^3+x g(X)=sinx(2-cos^2x) 判断并证明f(x) g(x)的图像的交点个数 g(x)=tanx和f(x)=sinx/cosx是同一的函数吗? 已知函数f(x)=sinx+cosx,x∈R.试写出一个函数g(x)f(x)=cos2x,并求g(x)的单调区间 已知函数f(x)=x,函数g(x)=rf(x)+sinx是区间[-1,1]上的减函数(1)若g(x) f(x)=sinx+cosx+|sinx-cosx|,若将函数图象向左平移pai/4个单位得到函数g(x),则g(x)是 若函数f(x)=sinx+g(x)在区间[-π/4,3π/4]上单调递增,则函数g(x)表达式为A.cos x B.-cos x C.1 D.-tan x 已知函数f(x)=lg x和g(x)=sinx,求满足f(x)=g(x)的实数x的的个数? 函数f(x)=sinx-cosx 化简?