填空1.s_ _d_ _t 2.b_ _th_ _

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 07:40:59

填空1.s_ _d_ _t 2.b_ _th_ _


填空1.s_ _d_ _t 2.b_ _th_ _ 英语单词填空,h_le thr_ _t g_ _t b_ _t b_ _ t_ _let t_ _ s_ _l p_ _ _ ch_ _ _ b_ _ _ h_ _ _ h_ _ n_ _ gr_ _nd m_k_ pl_ _ n_ _ _ d_ _ _ h_ _ _ y_ _ _ 字母填写 1.p_ _nd2.b_ _ _tiful 3.cin_m_ 4.ret_r_ 5.bec_ _se 6.att_ _d_ _t 7.g_r_ge 填入所缺字母,写出中文意思 dr_b_ _ ( ) b_ _thday( ) w_nd_ _r_l( ) s_ _t( ) s_ _e_p _ _s_ n( ) s_ _t sl_ _p _ _ue br_ _k b_ _f br_ _d q_i_t li_ _ary急 s_ _t?(只填空) 英语单词填空(写中文)b_ _kst_ _ _ _v_ _ _ps_t sl_ _ly h_ _lth _d_ _ 根据音标补充单词/əu/ h_le thr_ _t g_ _t b_ _t/ɔi/ b_ _ t_ _let t_ _ s_ _i/ai/ b_k_ m_ k_t_ fl_/iə/ n_ _ _ d_ _ _ h_ _ _ y_ _ _ 1.My mother buys a white___for me.(s_ _ _t) 2.I often eat a ___and an egg for breakfast.(t_ _ _ _o) v_p_ _ _(意思)_ _ine( ) h_ _h( ) _ _ap_ y_ _ _g p_ _ _ _ _ _ _s_y s_ _ _t s_ _ _ _t h_ _ _t英文填空 s_ _ _t把这个英语单词补充完整 补充单词并写出汉语意思.1.d_sh 2.b_ _t 3.p_ _k 补充单词并写出汉语意思.1.d_sh 2.b_ _t 3.p_ _k 你会填这些英语单词么?可选:ar ui or ea ee ir ay ou填入:sc_ _ed h_ _se qu_ _n s_ _p b_ _d gr_ _ fr_ _t cr_ _m我是没什么分,但是还是要乐于助人啊! 根据读音规则写单词[a:]m_ _ch c_ _m _ _m dr_ _ft gu_ _d h_ _f[∧] t_n d_st cl_msy _gly t_ _gh[i:]m_ _t b_ _ s_ _ f_ _ld n_ _ce kn_ _ m_ _ning[i]v_ll_ge b_t f_t br_dge p_ck g_ft[e]s_ _d m_t w_t n_ _k dr_ _ss gu_ss ag_ _u She can h_ _ _ her mother w_ _ _ the clothes....如上1.Look!Some b_ _ _ are s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the tree 不是sitting啊,s后面有7个空,sitting的s后只有6个字母2.She can h_ _ _ her mother w_ _ _ the clothes.3.John l_ _ __ f_ _ _ _ _ kite 填充单词:1.m_nk_ _ 2.t_ _t