[实用] 美国人为何常用hog代替pig

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/31 01:50:25

[实用] 美国人为何常用hog代替pig

美国人常用hog代替pig这个词来指猪.据说猪是最聪明的飞禽走兽之一,然而它们在人们心目中却形象欠佳,人们往往觉得hog肮脏,贪馋,而且坏脾性.比方说,你说某人是hog,那你就是在嘲笑他的吃相难看,或者长相粗俗,举止不雅.然而并不是所有带有hog这个词的短语都有负面的意思.例如我们要学的第一个习惯用语的含义就是正面的:live high off the hog,这个习惯用语起源于美国南方.本意是上好的肉类食品(像火腿,排骨之类,都来自猪身的上半部分),引申为生活过得很宽裕.例句-1:Green has never been able to hold a job more than six months.But he's been living high off the hog ever since his rich aunt died and left him all her money.格林从没有过一份工作能做满六个月的.但是他那有钱的姑妈去世后把全部钱财都留给了格林,所以他日子过得还挺舒服.例句-2:With the kids out of the nest,at long last they can live high off the hog.First they'll take a long tour around the world and then buy a house in Florida near the beach.孩子们都离家独立后,他俩终于可以过上宽裕舒心的日子了.首先他们打算来个环球旅行,然后再在佛罗里达海滨买栋房子.第二个带有hog这个词的习惯用语是go whole hog,意为“竭尽全力干到底”.关于这个习惯用语的出典众说不一.有一种讲法是很久前在爱尔兰俚语中hog是最大最重的钱币,就是大洋.在当时也算是一大笔钱了,而go whole hog就是把整块大洋一下子花完.例句-3:Sure,it's expensive but I decided to go whole hog.We ate in the best places and saw the top Broadway Shows.Okay,I spent all my money but the family had a wonderful time!那次度假花费很大,但是我决定干脆彻底地玩一次:我们在最豪华的饭馆吃饭,还看了一流的百老汇歌舞剧.我的确把钱都花了个精光,但是全家玩儿得可真痛快.例句-4:Yes,I went whole hog and bought the big set.My wife was pretty upset when she saw the bill.So I had to take her out to a fancy restaurant for an evening of dining and dancing.我真是不惜倾囊地买下了那台大电视机.我妻子看到帐单时很不高兴,所以我晚上不得不请她出去吃了顿大餐,跳了跳舞.更多西边取经请点这里>>