
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 20:51:48


Reflexology is a modern traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine combined with the theory.Modern medicine,foot and body distribution of the corresponding ministries of the foot reflex zones.Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the body's meridian is the pathway to run blood,which contact the internal organs,Chung,both inside and outside the ditch,runs through all levels of coordination will enable the body to maintain balance.foot Meridian six,these six channels connected with the other channels,through the meridians of foot on the distribution of meridians and acupoints of the foot reflex zone massage can be adjusted on the body,strong body metabolism,so that the balance of yin and yang,the physiological function of organs coordination organ.Traditional Chinese foot massage practices,mainly by the extrapolation method,in accordance with law,method,kneading method,relying on law,pinch law.Through the dredge meridians,qi and blood to reconcile,the ideal therapy is one of health prevention,to support healthy trends,the role of evil disease,there are many full-visceral reflex zones in the soles of the feet,can effectively adjust the sub-health state.
  Reflexology treatment for certain diseases,particularly in patients with acute pain,there are simple,rapid results without side effects.In particular,stomach pain,stomach discomfort,nausea,neck pass,myalgia,sore throat,headache,migraine,etc.effectively.Health foot massage on the body have the following roles:
  1,to improve the blood circulation:Massage to stimulate the local nerve endings,and promote blood circulation,strengthen heart function.
  2,the promotion of metabolism:to improve the thyroid,kidneys,endocrine glands and other hormone functions,so that the body balanced.
  3,increase immune function:to strengthen the lymphatic system,liver,spleen and other toxic substances and the decomposition of phagocytic capacity,thereby enhancing the capacity of human rehabilitation.
  4,regulation of blood pressure:to stimulate the plantar reflex in some areas,will enable the state of autonomic balance,with the expansion and contraction of the two-way adjustment is to restore blood pressure to normal levels.
  5,the elimination of fatigue:pass quickly adjust the functions of the cerebral cortex,so that inhibition tends to balance the excitement and fatigue can lactic acid and other substances to rule out in vitro,and enhance the body's power of endurance of stress,easy recovery from fatigue.
  6,to improve sleep:the human body can effectively adjust the rhythm of movement and rest,so sympathetic,parasympathetic normally turn excited to make it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
  Massage feet five health care treatment of diseases of the reflex areas to choose:The first zone is the abdominal nerve reflex from; second reflection is the spleen; third kidney reflex area; fourth ureteral reflex zones; fifth of bladder reflex zones.The five massage reflex areas in the beginning or end of the five must be strengthened reflex area.
  Scraping Therapy
  All of the physical disease and discomfort,fever cases are.Fever as a travel machine silt is an imbalance in the body.The human body from numerous organizations,from small cells,each cell and between cells and the neurovascular link trail network.When there are obstacles to the functioning of the human body when the gas,blood,wind,fire,wet,such as that due to the blockage of the normal operation,that is,fever disease.
  Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory:1,to reconcile the yin and yang:yang is hot,then cold阴盛using Scraping therapy can adjust the yin and yang of偏盛,partial failure,to enable the body to regain "Yin Pingyang secret" status,to achieve the purpose of medical treatment.
  2,uphold:Assisting the disease and eliminate the pathogenic factors,the use of reinforcing-reducing methods