
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 19:07:38


1-5 ABBCA 6-10 CACAC
11-15 AABAC 16-20 CCBBC
21-25 BDBCA 26-30 ADADC
31-35 DBACA 36-40 DACCD
41-45 BCDCC 46-50 ADABC
51-55 DCBCD 56-60 BDBCB
61-65 BDDCA 66-70 DBBDA
71-75 GEBDC
76. It is unfair to other people.
77. Because it can make hard things seem (very) easy.
78. They will show no respect for them.
79.Why kids cheat in the test.
80. To find good solutions instead of
81. A place that have ... have → has
82. ... in centre of ... centre 前加the
83. ... used to meeting ... meeting → meet
84. ... throw breads to ... breads → bread
85. ... and now it ... and → but
86. ... if she would ... if → that 或去掉if
87. ... to other country ... other → another
88. ... was very sadly. sadly → sad
89. ... lost touch with him. him → her
90. ... I pass to ... 去掉to 或to → by
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Taylor,
I'm Li Hua, president of the Students'Union of our school. I am writing to invite you to join our English Club.
In order to provide more opportunities for us students to practice spoken English and make our school life colorful, the English Club in our school is to open next week. It lasts an hour and a half (4:30 pm-6:00 pm) on Fridays. Members will gather at the garden near the school library and communicate in English with each other. You are expected to talk with us freely and answer some questions. Besides, we hope you can introduce western cultures to us. I am sure it will be great fun.
All of us are expecting you to come.
Li Hua
21. B.most 在此意为“很,非常”,相当于very,故第一空用a,泛指“一个非常美丽的沿海城市”;第二空表示“我希望我还能来一次”,故用“a +序数词”,表示“再一,又一”.
22. D.the average temperature worldwide全球平均温度.
23. B.分析句子结构可知,此处缺状语,且compare 与The number of people 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用compared.compare ... with ... 把……与……比较.
24. C.题意:设计该系统是为了让用户快捷、方便地获得所需的信息.access to sth.表示“使用某物的机会或权利”,符合语境.
25. A.根据语境可知,答话者建议发话者买红色手机,因为它和白色手机一样好,但价钱比较便宜.less expensive 是比较级,相当于cheaper.
26. A.老师解释了好几遍是为了让那孩子完全(completely)明白.incorrectly不正确地;frequently 时常;immediately立刻.
27. D.此处用来解释昨晚没有看电影的原因,故用because 引导表语从句.
28. A.根据条件状语从句“如果你能不告诉别人”可知,我会很感激(appreciate)的.
29. D.avoid 后跟动词-ing 形式,又因为wash away 与soil 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故选D项.
30. C.根据题意可知,“学生被允许接触这些化学品”的前提是“除非他们老师让他们接触”,故选unless.
31. D.Ever since 后引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时.
32. B.根据which 引导的定语从句的内容“篱笆防止动物破坏蔬菜”可知,此处表示“我们将要搭建(put up)一个新篱笆”.
33. A.分析句子结构可知,在此用it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to keep up with his classmates.
34. C.前后分句之间为转折关系,故选but.
35. A.根据“那我们马上开始吧!”可知,答话者认为对方理解了“5 点钟之前要完成任务”的意思,故A项You’ve got it(你理解对了)符合语境.It’s your turn轮到你了;It depends 看情况而定;No way 不可能,决不.
36. D.由文章首句I'd been living in foster care since I was two 及下文的she was as lonely as I was 可知,“我”幼年时就住在寄养家庭,时常感到“孤独(lonely)”.
37. A.由上文的I always felt ... and didn't know how to tell people that I hurt inside可知,由于孤独,“我”不知如何向别人诉说自己的伤痛,表现不好成了“我”发泄“情绪(feelings)”的唯一方式.
38. C.由下文的if I'd mind living with, We're a family now 和This Mom 等信息可知,Kate McCann 是一位单身、想要“抚养(raise)”孩子的女士.
39. C.由上文的Kate McCann who was single and wanted to ... a child 可知,Kate 是一个想要收养孩子的单身“家长(parent)”.下文的This Mom也是提示.
40. D.“我”是一个内心孤独、受伤的孩子,不论是单亲还是健全家庭,“我”想要的只是有个人“爱(loves)”“我”.41. B.在福利院的工作人员问“我”是否介意与单身家长生活后的第二 天,Kate“来了(visited)”.
42. C.上文的I wondered if she'd change her mind once she got to know me 是“我”所“害怕(fear)”的事情.
43. D.由上文的I hurt inside 可知,“我”内心受到“伤害(hurt)”.
44. C.由下文的families don't give up one ach other 可知,Kate 向“我”保证“绝不(never)”送“我”走.
45. C.46. A.看到她眼里的泪花,“我”感到十分“吃惊(surprise)”.“我”突然“意识到(realized)”她跟“我”一样孤独.
47. D.“她为‘我'做许多事、她每天说爱‘我'”和“爱不足以治愈‘我'内心的伤痛”之间是转折对比关系,故此处选But.
48. A.由上文的I wondered if she'd change her mind 可知,由于“我”的担心,“我”一直等待她改变(收养“我”的)“主意(mind)”.
49. B.由上文的acting badly was the only way I knew to express my ... 可知,“我”认为如果“ 我”表现得足够“ 坏(badly)”,她就会像其他人一样离“我”而去.
50. C.由下文的内容可知,“我”“试图(tried)”在她伤害“我”之前先伤害她.
51. D.由下文的You can watch it after ...可知,她“关掉了电视(turned it off)”.
52. C.由“我”扔书、向Kate 大声吼叫的行为可知,“我”很“生气(angry)”.
53. B.由下文的I'll never send you back可知,此处作者是说他再也不想“住在(live)”这里了.
54. C.由I'll never send you back ...families don't give up on each other 可知,Kate 认为“一家人(family)”是不可以放弃彼此的.
55. D.Kate 的话触动了“我”,“我”知道了这个妈妈是“真地(really)”爱“我”.
56. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的On June 9, 2012, Ana Martinez, then 18,got ready for her prom ... Ana was one of the 75 teens at the New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital (MSCH) prom 可知,2012 年6月9日,Ana Martinez 在医院与病友们参加了一场属于他们自己的舞会.
57. D.词义猜测题.根据第五段的The prom was held in the hall of the hospital. It was decorated 可知,舞会是在医院的大厅里举行的.医院的大厅经过装饰变成了舞厅,故此处transformed 有“变成”之意.
58. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的This event is held each year for teens too sick to go to their own proms 可知,MSCH party 每年举办一次.
59. C.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的But everyone seemed to have had a great time 可知,今年参加MSCH party的75 个少年都很高兴地度过了一段美好时光.
B 篇(自然、热点话题)
本文是说明文.日本少年Misaki Murakami 2011 年在日本海啸中遗失的足球之后在阿拉斯加被人发现并归还.
60. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的they planned to go to his hometown to send his ball back soon 可知,发现Misaki 的足球的夫妇计划到他的家乡日本归还他的足球.
61. B.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段的It was a gift from his friends before he went to a new school 可知,Misaki 丢了的那个足球是他转学前朋友们送他的告别礼物.
62. D.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的They had written good-luck messages on it and the name of Misaki's school, which helped the couple in Alaska find him可知,阿拉斯加的那对夫妇是根据足球上写的信息找到失主的.
63. D.标题归纳题.本文是关于日本少年Misaki Murakami 在海啸中遗失的足球在阿拉斯加被人发现并归还的报道.根据最后一段可知,来自大洋彼岸失而复得的足球对Misaki Murakami 来说是一个惊喜,故D 项Surprise from the sea 形象地描述了这一事件.
64. C.细节理解题.根据Summer Swim Team 部分的The season runs June21-August 21 可知,夏季游泳队的活动时间持续两个月.
65. A.细节理解题.根据Junior Swim Instructor 部分的20 hours of instruction, two hours per day for children 11-14 years old 可知.
66. D.写作目的题.根据第一段的Joe ...reads about the events at the local pools and finds the perfect activity 和文中出现的Swimming Programs, Special Offer以及You can now register online 等可知,本文主要介绍一些关于游泳的活动信息.
67. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的Beginning this fall, some schools in Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Tennessee will add 300hours to the school year 可知.
68. B.推理判断题.根据第三段的Luis Ubinas of the Ford Foundation, which supports a longer year 可知,Luis Ubinas来自一个支持延长学校时间的机构,故他是同意增加学生在校时间的.
69. D.推理判断题.根据最后两段可知Bruno 并不同意延长学生在校学习时间,他认为首先应该充分利用学生现今在校时间.
70. A.主旨大意题.从文章中的add 300hours to the school year, a longer school year, spend more time at school 和adding time to the school year 等可以看出,本文是就“是否应该延长学生在校时间”进行的讨论.
I. 1-5 ADBBA 6-10 DCDBC
11-15 ADABC 16-20 DADCD
本文是记叙文.一个不慎把准备买自行车的辛苦钱丢失的男孩,经过好心人的相助,最终实现了他的愿望.1. A.Olly 的自行车快散架了,“所以(so)”他决定每天早晨送报纸来攒钱买辆新自行车.
2. D.3. B.根据上文的... decided to save up for a new one by doing paper rounds ... 可知,Olly 通过送报纸这份“工作(work)”“攒(saved)”了250 英镑.
4. B.根据上文的To have more money 可推测,为了凑更多的钱,Olly 出门是要把他的旧自行车“卖给(sell)”一个朋友.
5. A.6. D.由下文Olly 妈妈的朋友帮他筹钱可知,他外出的时候“弄丢(lost)”了攒的钱,因此很“难过(sad)”.7. C.丢钱是一个不好的“消息(news)”.
8. D.几天之内通过网络能凑到280 英镑很“幸运(Fortunately)”.9. B.由上文Carol Edwards started up a PayPal account on Facebook 可知,Carol在网上“募集(collected)”金额共计280英镑.
10. C.Olly 想买的是一辆新“ 自行车(bike)”.
11. A.根据下文的came back 可知,Carol希望有人能在听到广播后“送回(send back)”Olly 丢的那个黑色钱包.
12. D.13. A.Carol 和Olly 的妈妈Donna在社交网站上“传播(spread)”关于丢失钱包的消息,同时也“ 报告(reporting)”给苏塞克斯警方.
14. B.but 一词的转折说明钱包“从没有(never)”出现.15. C.由下文Olly 去买自行车可知,他收到了大家募捐给他的“钱(money)”.
16. D.由had gone up to £299 可知,Olly想买的自行车已经不再“促销(on sale)”,价格涨到了299 英镑,而他只有280 英镑.
17. A.由But the shop ... to put the price back down again to £279 可知,商家“同意(agreed)”把价格降至279 英镑.
18. D.得到了想要的新自行车,Olly 很高兴,因此他“笑着(with smiles)”说.19. C.妈妈的朋友和网络上的陌生人对Olly 的帮助说明他们“善良(kind)”.
20. D.由Olly 的妈妈说的I really thank them可知,她被朋友和陌生人为儿子所做的事“感动(touched)”.
本文是说明文.文章介绍了十二岁男 孩Arturo Veldenegro 和他制作的纸飞机.
1. B.推理判断题.根据第二段的The purpose of the competition is to inspire and draw kids' interest in science and flight 和第三段的About 150 kids entered the competition 可知,Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off 比赛主要是为了激发孩子们对科学和飞行的兴趣 而举办的.2012 年是这个比赛举办的第一年,故本题选B项.
2. D.词义猜测题.由下文的Arturo's airplane flew the farthest 可知,在所有参赛选手中,Arturo 的飞机飞得最远,由此可知他把其他选手都远远地抛在了后 面.
3. C.细节理解题.根据第四段的 Arturo's airplane flew the farthest — more than 75 feet 可知,Arturo 制作的飞机飞出了75 英尺.
4. D.细节理解题.根据最后一段可知 Arturo 的Desert Eagle 飞机最后被陈列在了Pima Air & Space Museum.
5. C.写作目的题.本文主要是介绍了一个名叫Arturo Veldenegro 的十二岁男孩和他制作的纸飞机.