
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 21:19:12


In 2008 the outbreak of the global financial crisis makes the operation of the current global economic uncertainty increases,the growth rate of domestic economic slowdown,the domestic economic growth also highlights the structural contradictions.The global financial crisis in this context,the momentum of economic growth will weaken or slow down is bound to cause a significant risk facing the banking industry,the banking industry of the extent of the deterioration of asset quality will be increased to some extent,the deterioration of economic conditions so that banks industry to increase systemic risk.To this end China's commercial banks to further strengthen the internal construction,China's commercial banks to strengthen risk control system is a matter of priority.Only in improving the internal management system under the premise of the commercial banks in China to the economic slowdown in the macro-environment crisis into an opportunity for transit.

In 2008, the global financial crisis that global economic uncertainty, domestic economic growth slowed, the domestic economic growth and structural contradictions. In the global financial crisis, as t...


In 2008, the global financial crisis that global economic uncertainty, domestic economic growth slowed, the domestic economic growth and structural contradictions. In the global financial crisis, as the background, the economic growth slowdown will inevitably weakened or in banking giant risk, banking assets quality deterioration degree will be in a certain extent, the economy of systemic risk seeking banking. To further strengthen our commercial Banks internal construction, strengthening our country commercial bank risk control system is the urgent matter. Only in perfect internal management system, under the premise of Chinese commercial Banks can in economic slowdown in the macro environment of dangerous for machine. Transshipment



论文摘要中翻英2008年全球金融危机的爆发使得目前全球经济运行的不确定性增大,国内经济增长的速度放缓,国内经济增长中的结构性矛盾也随之突出.在全球金融危机这个大背景下,经济增长 美国2008年全球金融危机产生的原因 求摘要英文翻译 人工翻译的请进满意有追加标题:金融危机给我国银行信贷风险管理带来的思考摘要:2007年美国爆发的次贷危机最终引爆了全球金融危机,它破坏了全球的经济秩序.我国的银 求摘要英文翻译 人工翻译的请进满意有追加标题:金融危机给我国银行信贷风险管理带来的思考摘要:2007年美国爆发的次贷危机最终引爆了全球金融危机,它破坏了全球的经济秩序.我国的 论文摘要翻译成英文,关于金融危机对财务影响的2008年由于美国次贷危机引起全球性的金融危机对各个国家的经济造成了重大的冲击,使我国上经济增速已经开始明显放缓,多家中小企业倒闭, 有关金融危机的论文123 2008年发源于美国扩展到全球的金融危机,爆发这次金融危机的原因是什么?各国央行采取了什么措施应对危机 急求一篇形势政治课的论文!论文话题:金融危机、珠三角和国际形势(任选一个).格式:题目、摘要、前言、正文和观点. 从哲学的观点评价全球金融危机从联系、发展、矛盾、否定再否定角度写1500字论文 面对金融危机部分企业坚持不裁员对此如何认识2008年以来,金融危机席卷深圳.受全球金融危机的冲击.部分企业订单减少.效益下滑.由于生产经营困难.一些企业把裁员作为应对困境的手段.但 自2008年爆发全球金融危机以来,部分企业受到了不同程度的影响,为落实“促民生、促经济”政策,济南市某要用一元一次方程自2008年爆发全球金融危机以来,部分企业受到了不同程度的影响 国际金融论文摘要翻译摘要:近几年来,我国的外汇储备持续快速增加,截止到2009年6月已经超过2.1万亿美元,高居世界之首.中国超过万亿美元的国际金融危机的论文外汇储备如何运用已成为国 论文的摘要怎么写 全球面临金融危机--英文怎么写?全球面临金融危机的英文怎么写? 金融危机对中国的影响论文 写金融危机的论文怎么写? 关于金融危机的论文怎么写呀? 急 麻烦帮忙翻译一篇通信的论文摘要!(中翻英)