
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 10:33:05


Revenue management originated in the 1970s at the end of the american airline deregulation of the competition after the business environment, the core is the price are also called, is price discrimination based on customer demand and the price elasticity to the standard price.With other countries and international organizations to adopt a series of economic incentives for the implementation of policies and 2009, beginning in the latter half of the recovery of international trade. as a direct reflection of international trade, the airline has also rebounded 货运量 touch bottom.For the global economic crisis is less affected by the china airlines air freight industry, faced with european and japanese and korean etc many old former airline in the financial crisis had cut down the abrupt freight, this is a catch and exceed the european and american japanese and korean etc. the airline's the best.The caac office 李家祥 is called "they formed the country to be a contender with international air freight, comprehensive strength in the world five" slogans.But at the same time, as the world by air freight industry of the rapid development and the country is the step-by-step opening-up of 外航 our domestic airline still faced with such as ups, fedex and from abroad large good airline challenges.As a means of gaining competitive advantage and foreign airlines on the freight industry has also been gradually implement the revenue. some of the airlines at the beginning of the freight receipts management as a long-term development strategy. the enterprise.A global airline business, such as german and dutch the royal air, louisa, have been implemented in phases and freight receipts management methods and a 2%, 72.73 -5 shipping income. but our airline in the field of study, in its infancy.From foreign airlines to face competition from the sea, and railway, highway challenge to improve domestic air freight company's revenue and improve the management level of income in the face. this study is a large state-owned air freight, air cargo company limited. china.The company was established in 1998, china is the earliest established a firm specializing in air freight business. at present, air navigation in the goods have a vending machine, 2, 3 md11 a vending machine, b747 777 -400 a vending machine, 3 plane a300 -600 vending machine.Company not only in the eastern united states, europe and japan, korea and southeast asia with the passenger cabin with freight, and with many of our own line of freight flights.
However, and the other air freight companies, because of the management of the implementation of starting late in the voyage, one has a lot of revenue management method does not apply to the day-to-day operations, such as freight space in the allocation and distribution according to what principles to maximize income from lack of necessary means, on the other hand, freight receipts management process, also met many problem,Such as the client just book a shipping space, cause the plane cabin of an unusually tall, with these problems are restrictions in the development of the voyage.
Therefore, the first to gain control of theoretical analysis, and find a suitable for air freight receipts management.The revenue management originated from the air passenger and is currently being used widely in the air passenger and hotels industries, but the air freight the application of lesser and lack of form of the report, therefore, this will also air passenger and freight business aviation in contrast, the passenger and freight the same place and different places and find out the most suitable for the most effective management. air freight receipts.Then, "the goods by airmail, to" corporate earnings and is implementing the key factor in the management of the deficiencies.Finally, according to realities, designed for the goods by airmail "benefits of management, including on air freight space allocated to optimize, the passenger cabin class system and the incentives, and was estimated to be explained by the data illustrate.

论文摘要求翻译收益管理起源于20世纪70年代末美国航空解除管制后激烈的行业竞争环境中,其核心是价格细分亦称价格歧视,就是根据客户不同的需求特征和价格弹性向客户执行不同的价格标 求英语神人翻译一下论文摘要~~~~~~ 求英语高手,论文摘要翻译.拒绝翻译软件! 英语翻译链接论文摘要翻译 急求各位大神翻译论文摘要!~谢谢!~~摘要 自上世纪九十年代以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制不断完善,资本市场得到飞速发展,直接融资的作用不断加强,企业融资渠道向着多元化发展. post-implementation求翻译~正在翻译项目管理的论文 跪求英语牛人帮我翻译此段论文摘要.谢谢.不要在线翻译哦.尽量简洁语句通顺.20世纪70年代以前,黄金价格由各国政府或央行决定,金价相对比较稳定.但自从布雷顿森林体系解体之后,黄金价格 急求财务管理论文摘要翻译【论文摘要】企业要想在激烈的竞争中生存与发展,就必须加强企业的财务管理,进行管理控制.企业管理以财务管理为核心,这已经成为现代企业管理的常识.它是根 急求企业文化的英文摘要!摘 要 企业文化是20世纪70年代末80年代初提出的,作为在管理理论基础上发展起来的企业文化理论,是对原有管理理论的总结与创新.它从一个全新的视角来思考和分 求英语高手麻烦帮翻译论文英文摘要不要在线翻译,谢谢前言:大量出现在二十世纪八十年代的中国中小企业蓬勃发展,一度创造了中国经济发展的奇迹.但是在中国进入WTO后,市场环境变得更加 求英语神人翻译一下论文摘要,不要翻译器的~~~谢了 求英语达人!帮忙翻译论文摘要,汉译英,谢谢了! 急求英语高手帮助把论文的英文摘要和关键词翻译下 谢谢!摘要:社区卫生服务在我国起步时间不长,社区卫生服务应该如何发展,目前尚未形成一套适合我国的完整的理论体系和科学的管理制 论文摘要翻译,求大神翻译成英文!摘要随着我国经济的快速发展和市场竞争日趋激烈,企业开始逐渐认识到有效的营销渠道管理是企业获得长久竞争优势的重要条件.营销渠道系统的不断丰富和 论文摘要求英文翻译 哪位大哥大姐帮个忙论文摘要求英文翻译,哪位大哥大姐帮个忙摘 要在对目前市面上的客户管理系统(CRM)的广泛调查和研究之后,发现很多市面上的客户管理系统大多 求论文摘要翻译,中译英具体请看http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/131700010.html?fr=middle_auto 英语翻译为啥这句老是被吞...我不过是论文摘要翻译...求英语帝人工,在线翻译的不要. 英语翻译为啥这句老是被吞...我不过是论文摘要翻译...求英语帝人工,在线翻译的不要.